'Format & localize date labels in charts_flutter time series chart

I have following time series in charts_flutter:

charts.Series<DatumPoint, DateTime>(
        id: 'Series',
        colorFn: (_, __) => charts.MaterialPalette.red.shadeDefault,
        domainFn: (DatumPoint point, _) => point.date,
        measureFn: (DatumPoint point, _) => point.value,
        data: p,

and this is how my TimeSeriesChart has been created:

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return charts.TimeSeriesChart(
      animate: widget.animate,
      selectionModels: [
          type: charts.SelectionModelType.info,
          changedListener: _onSelectionChanged,
      domainAxis: charts.EndPointsTimeAxisSpec(),
      behaviors: [
            dashPattern: [1, 1]),
          eventTrigger: charts.SelectionTrigger.tapAndDrag,

I would like to format start & end ticker on domain Axis using localize DateTime format e.g. DateFormat.yMMMd(Localizations.localeOf(context).languageCode).format(date)

How can I achieve this?

Solution 1:[1]

The solution from Shruti Gupta is not complete. You have to use a custom dateTimeFactory to really localized date.

So create your own DateTimeFactory

import 'package:charts_common/common.dart' as common show DateTimeFactory;

/// A class to localize the date
class LocalizedTimeFactory implements common.DateTimeFactory {
  final Locale locale;

  const LocalizedTimeFactory(this.locale);

  DateTime createDateTimeFromMilliSecondsSinceEpoch(
      int millisecondsSinceEpoch) {
    return DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(millisecondsSinceEpoch);

  DateTime createDateTime(int year,
      [int month = 1,
        int day = 1,
        int hour = 0,
        int minute = 0,
        int second = 0,
        int millisecond = 0,
        int microsecond = 0]) {
    return DateTime(
        year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond, microsecond);

  /// Returns a [DateFormat].
  DateFormat createDateFormat(String pattern) {
    return DateFormat(pattern, locale.languageCode);

Then you need to add a tickFormatterSpec so your custom dateTimeFactory is taken into account and fill dateTimeFactory field:

     defaultRenderer: charts.LineRendererConfig(includeArea: true, strokeWidthPx: 1),
     animate: false,
     domainAxis: new charts.DateTimeAxisSpec(
        tickFormatterSpec: charts.AutoDateTimeTickFormatterSpec(
            hour: new charts.TimeFormatterSpec(format: "Hm", transitionFormat: "Hm"),
     dateTimeFactory: LocalizedTimeFactory(Localizations.localeOf(context)),
     primaryMeasureAxis: charts.NumericAxisSpec(
         tickProviderSpec: charts.BasicNumericTickProviderSpec(zeroBound: false))

Your remaining task is to better configure tickFormatterSpec. Play with day, hour and minute fields, also with format and transition format until you reach what you want. I was not able unfortunately to duplicate the display when there is not tickFormatterSpec...

Solution 2:[2]

You can try this:

tickFormatterSpec: new charts.AutoDateTimeTickFormatterSpec(
                      month: new charts.TimeFormatterSpec(
                        format: 'MMM',
                        transitionFormat: 'MMM yy',
                      year: new charts.TimeFormatterSpec(
                        format: 'YYYY',
                        transitionFormat: 'MMM yy',


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 ochrin
Solution 2 Ravindra S. Patil