'Warning: Failed prop type: Invalid prop `value` of type `number` supplied to `TextInput`, expected `string`

in react-native, I have:

Warning: Failed prop type: Invalid prop `value` of type `number` supplied to `TextInput`, expected `string`.

I have a postalCode and it is numeric value.

I have set the keyboardType="numeric" on <TextInput /> but I still have this error on ios/android/web.

How can I fix it?

Solution 1:[1]

Just convert your number to a string

<TextInput value={postalCode.toString()} ...

Solution 2:[2]

Changing keyboardType to numeric doesn't make your TextInput to accept only numbers, it only changes the layout of the keyboard on your mobile device. With keyboardType=numeric your keyboard will have only digits to make it easier for user to type numbers, it's a UX thing but it doesn't make your TextInput of type numeric, that's why you're seeing this warning.

Solution 3:[3]

I think that the problem is in the onChange callback.

You can call the onChangeText method like that:

onChangeText: (text) => setValue(text)

Hope it works!


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 HermitCrab
Solution 2 rzwnahmd
Solution 3