Category "expo"

React navigation 5 really slow and dropping JS FPS on Expo

I am currently working on a React Native (Expo) App and I am facing some performance issues. I have not found any answer yet for my problem so I hope someone ca

`new NativeEventEmitter()` requires a non-null argument

I am facing this problem: new NativeEventEmitter() requires a non-null argument I am working on Expo GO (version Expo: 45.0.0) on IOS. The problem is when I i

`new NativeEventEmitter()` requires a non-null argument

I am facing this problem: new NativeEventEmitter() requires a non-null argument I am working on Expo GO (version Expo: 45.0.0) on IOS. The problem is when I i

How can i remove extra white space in expo BarCodeScanner

iOS is working fine BarCodeScanner take full screen but when i use android there is extra white space. <BarCodeScanner onBarCodeScanned={scanned ? undefin

TypeError: null is not an object (evaluating 'NativeClipboard_1.default.getString')

I want to use @twotalltotems/react-native-otp-input in my expo project. I have go through with the documentation of @twotalltotems/react-native-otp-input But I'

How to implement expo push notification in react native with nodejs server

I am working on an app which needs push notification. I haven't used push notification before and I am no idea how to implement this with nodejs server. Any one

I can't add contacts using expo react native, "WRITE_CONTACTS" permission is required but I already have it

This is my app.json { "expo": { "name": "add-contact-list", "slug": "add-contact-list", "version": "1.0.0", "assetBundlePatterns": [ "**

Expo Cannot Find Module after reinstall

I'm having issues getting expo to start. It tries to open dev tools and dev tools will not open and gives me this error: Cannot find module 'C:\Users\charl\Ap

Group notifications with Expo

I have a react native messaging app done with Expo. I got notifications to work, but the problem is that each message is a separate notification. I would like

Error for expo-cli when installing with Node 18

I am trying to install expo-cli and there appears to be an error related to the node version. Is there a way to install it without installing Node 16? I have e

Could not connect to TCP port: Connection refused when trying to open Expo app on Android Emulator in WSL2

I've been following this guide and so far have gotten to the point where WSL2 can see the emulator(s

Expo Android requests being blocked

I'm developing an Expo app on both Android and IOS. I am making the same API request on both IOS and Android but for some reason the Android request is failing.

Expo iOS build crashing on splash screen

I developed an app using Expo and React Native. The app worked fine during development using the Expo Go app, I tested in Android and iOS. Then I built each app

Save payment for later option, Stripe, React Native, Expo

I'm trying to setup a way to setup a payment for later with a prebuilt Stripe component in a React Native Expo Project. I'm following along with this project: h

Firebase - Perform Analytics from database/firestore data

I am using Firebase as my authentication and database platform in my React Native-Expo app. I have not yet decided if I will be using the realtime-database or F

orientation change listener in expo react native not firing?

i want to detect the current orientation of device in expo react native, this is my code that doesn't work: import { Dimensions, } from 'react-native'; import

How to persist Expo Audio throughout react native app?

I am new to react native. I am trying to make a podcast player. While I was able to make it work in my Podcast component, when I change to other component, the

useSelector of React Redux don't update state of store on expo react-native

I made the same model on the web and it worked, I tried to use shallowEqual of Redux as second parameter of useSelector function, also the _.isEqual of lodash

I'm using Expo App in my Android Device to connect into the my Desktop's Expo

I'm using Expo App on my Android device to connect to my Desktop (Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS) Expo (I signed in both my same Expo Account)I am also connected to the sam

TextInput got hides behind keyboard in react-native

I am creating chat UI in react native in which I want the first section (where the messages are shown) should be scrollable. The TextInput should be at the bott