Category "react-native"

Drawer Navigaiton React Native

ERROR Invariant Violation: Module AppRegistry is not a registered callable module (calling runApplication). A frequent cause of the error is that the applicati

How can i remove extra white space in expo BarCodeScanner

iOS is working fine BarCodeScanner take full screen but when i use android there is extra white space. <BarCodeScanner onBarCodeScanned={scanned ? undefin

TypeError: null is not an object (evaluating 'NativeClipboard_1.default.getString')

I want to use @twotalltotems/react-native-otp-input in my expo project. I have go through with the documentation of @twotalltotems/react-native-otp-input But I'

Video can't press play on React

I have a working product that takes a file from API and read as a blob. But pressing the play button on the video does not work. I have tried using tried using

why does this log the old value and not the new value [duplicate]

const [title,setTitle] = useState(""); const titleHandler=e => { setTitle( console.log(title) } Why does this code log

React Native: FlatList is not showing

I am trying to make a custom component that will display options for a new choice if the first choice is not clear enough. I am using the FlatList component to

Reactnative asyncstorage for a specific user is not working properly

I am trying to save the passing screen after a user that is logged in, has passed the test. And that passing screen is saved even after the app is completely cl

How to implement expo push notification in react native with nodejs server

I am working on an app which needs push notification. I haven't used push notification before and I am no idea how to implement this with nodejs server. Any one

I can't add contacts using expo react native, "WRITE_CONTACTS" permission is required but I already have it

This is my app.json { "expo": { "name": "add-contact-list", "slug": "add-contact-list", "version": "1.0.0", "assetBundlePatterns": [ "**

Expo Cannot Find Module after reinstall

I'm having issues getting expo to start. It tries to open dev tools and dev tools will not open and gives me this error: Cannot find module 'C:\Users\charl\Ap

Why I need to press Login button 2 times then it will fetch the user data from firestore?

I am new to react-native and firebase authentication also firestore database. Basically here I would like to implement 3 different types of user which is buyer,

Image is showing extremely slow when selecting from ImagePicker

I have not been able to figure out what might be the problem on why after selecting an image it takes 1-3 seconds just to show the picture. The array of images

Group notifications with Expo

I have a react native messaging app done with Expo. I got notifications to work, but the problem is that each message is a separate notification. I would like

TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'navigator.serviceWorker.addEventListener')

I want to use Firebase Cloud Messaging to send notifications to the users, but I am getting this error when I try to setup messageing: TypeError: undefined is

Showing a view on top another view

I am using react-native-image-crop-picker to allow users to crop an image when selecting it. Is it possible to show, during the cropping screen, a view on top o

Error for expo-cli when installing with Node 18

I am trying to install expo-cli and there appears to be an error related to the node version. Is there a way to install it without installing Node 16? I have e

How to fix 'ReactCommon/CallInvoker.h file not found' after manual upgrade from v0.61.5 to v0.63.3

I had to manually upgrade react-native, because nix react-native upgrade failed. After following the Upgrade Helper for v.0.61.5 -> v0.63.3, ive cleaned my b

getting a payment failed unexpected error in razorpay in react native ios and android

I am integrating a razorpay payment gateway in my react native app . whenever I'm trying to open a razorpay checkout UI its first open a pop up with a loader an

A problem occurred configuring project ':react-native-screens'. > compileSdkVersion is not specified

I am getting this error while getting starting with react-navigation and doing practicle

Why does the layout of react native ios app goes weird?

Sometimes the react native app in ios destroys the layout as shown in the images below. Reproduction: Put the app in background and do not open for at least a d