Category "websocket"

How to pass a dynamic port to the Websockets-gateway in NestJS?

I wanted to dynamically set the Websockets-gateway port from config in NestJS. Below is my websockets-gateway code. import { WebSocketGateway } from '@nestjs/we

AWS API Gateway Websocket UnknownError

We are experiencing an error when doing a SDK postToConnection() call as a promise, full error details given below. Other calls in the same function with a dif

simultaneous (async) work - getting msg receiving and placing order/selling in auto bot w websocket

''' I would like to get async working for purchasing ordering while continuously getting realtime price update by websocket receving. However, when I execute th

python websocket pub-sub with re-publish/broadcast

I would like to set-up a server that can subscribe to an external stream over a websocket (ws_ext) and then republish that data (after curating) to internal cli

Traefik V2 docker provider path /ws routing to external websocket server

Stack: serverX docker traefik redirect :80->:443* -> x-site docker container wss:// proxy -> ws://external.

Django channels rest framework don't return data of subscription in production environment (gunicorn/daphne/nginx)

Hi everyone I deployed django with channels via daphne for websocket and gunicorn for normal request http with reverse proxy nginx, I have a problem that has no

Fetching data from websocket to react

I'm relatively new to React, and am looking to combine my React application with a websocket connection. I'm able to establish a connection via the websocket co

Should I migrate to Manifest v3 because most of the features of my extension depends on persistent background

I have a chrome extension which uses WebSocket, webrtc, audio and HTTP connections heavily, also I am using react-redux in the background to keep a state of UI

Stream Audio via WebSocket - Web Audio

I'm so close to getting audio chat working via Websockets. The idea of this application I'm building is to have a group voice chat working in browser. I'm using

How can I detect a server ping using URLSessionWebSocketTask?

Using URLSessionWebSocketTask, a server ping is automatically responded to by a pong from the client. Still, can the client observe that a ping/pong occurred? (

WAF Protection for api gateway using websockets

I have a use case where i am supposed to connect my client to apigateway using websockets. I have seen the API gateway can be configured with WAF rules in case

python websockets set port as None, how can get which port used?

I used python websockets library create a websocket server, to avoid port has been used by other application, I set port as None, let system choose a port for m

ASP.Net WebSocket how to simulate error event?

I just want to do like this on ASP.NET WebSocket. When my WebSocket server catches internal server error, I want my WebSocket server to send an error to clients

Nodejs Game using too much cpu/ram

I am making a Nodejs Multiplayer game. PROBLEM: After a period of time, around a few seconds, the latency between the server to client skyrockets. Not just a li

websockets.exceptions.ConnectionClosedError: code = 1011 (unexpected error), no reason

The server close connection for the client after a while and client disconnect automatically after try to send a message : newmsg = await websocket.recv()

Not able to connect flutter socket socket_io_client 1.0.1 to nodejs server

**Not able to connect websocket to the nodejs server for websocket connection I'm using socket_io_client: ^1.0.1 library ** void connect(){ IO.Socket socke

Zerodha KiteConnect API producing 1006 Error

I am building a dashboard for live tickers I am using zerodha Kiteconnect to fetch SE Options & Futures live data for that ... The client for whom I am buil

Connecting a WebSocket in Angular

I have WebSocket Connection in Node which works fine. Now I want to use it in Angular with a rxjs websocket, but I have no idea how to solve the connection. co

Cannot connect to own websocket server when on secured domain

I deployed a standalone WebSocket server in google cloud. Following the laravel-websockets configuration, I can connect to my server when I go to <ip addres

How to customize HTTP response for WebSocket upgrade request in Spring?

I have a WebSocket endpoint configured like this in my WebSocketConfigurer implementation public void registerWebSocketHandlers(WebSocketHandlerRegistry regist