Category "windows-10"

Unable to use runas with winword 2016

I'm trying to run winword (Office 2016) as another user from an administrator command prompt: runas /user:[local administrator user] "C:\Program Files (x86)\Mic

Can't install bpython on Windows 10 via pip

I've tried to setup windwos-curses as first step and it completes fine. python -m pip install windows-curses Also the following python -m pip install bpython

Windows 10 - Error code 2330 occurs when trying to uninstall or change program

Every time I try to uninstall, change or reinstall Nodejs application, the process ends with error 2330. The problem started when I was trying to install new np

How to remap keys after Alt+Tab/Ctrl+Tab while Alt/Ctrl is currently being held?

I am trying to use VIM a lot in my day to day life, and I prefer not to move my hands away from the home row. That being said I do alt tab/ctrl tab a lot, but i

Error: Failed to solve with frontend dockerfile.v0: failed to create LLB definition: no match for platform in manifest when building docker image

I get the error: failed to solve with frontend dockerfile.v0: failed to create LLB definition: no match for platform in manifest when building the following Do

Programmatic control of virtual desktops in Windows 10

I love that Windows 10 now has support for virtual desktops built in, but I have some features that I'd like to add/modify (e.g., force a window to appear on al

java.lang.InternalError: platform encoding not initialized when running EXE4J .exe w/ Java14 on PATH

So this error is a weird one... I'm using EXE4J 6 to build a .exe file for my JavaFX Application. This has worked with no issues through Java version 13.0.1. I

Do we need Active Directory Domain Controller to run any PowerShell commands?

I am trying to run a Powershell script which calls Get-ADUser command. Something similar to this question Powershell Active Directory commands not working in Po

Visual Studio 2017 doesn't see mapped drives

I'm running Visual Studio 2017 on Windows 10 1803 64-bit. I have a mapped drive (H:) and when I try to run an SSIS package that depends on finding files in that

ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO) on Windows

when i want start mysql in windwos cmd i got this error ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO) what can i do? mysql

MSIX Application does not start until start menu interaction

I am building an MSIX application for windows 10 with a .wapproj project. On some machines (primarily laptops it seems), the application does not start after th

Apache shutdown unexpectedly on Windows 10

I know this question is asked so many times before but for the whole last day I have tried nearly every suggested solution I could find. Below is my xampp contr

Rails Console no scroll in windows powershell

I am curently setting up my rails enviroment on my Windows 10 pc. I am using powershell for this. I have found a bug when using a pry or the rails console. When

Docker: Can't read class path resource from spring boot application

Reading a classpath resource as, try { final ClassPathResource classPathResource = new ClassPathResource(format("location%sGeoLite2-City.mmdb", Fil

How to make an array of pointers and make the user enter the size of it?

I want to make an array, and inside this array there are pointers, like this: int *arrp[size]; and I want the user to enter the size of it. I tried to do this:

How to create a dynamic local file path that changes based on the windows user

I have created a local windows filepath that is dynamic based on the user. C:\Users\%USERPROFILE%\rest_of_filepath This path works perfectly on my local mach

Flip Horizontally Through the Context Menu in the Windows 10 File Explorer

When I right-click on an image in the Windows 10 File Explorer, I get the option to either rotate right or rotate left in the context menu, but not to flip hori

Anaconda installer not working - Windows 10

I have installed the Anaconda 3 in my windows 10 and it has not installed the Scripts folder and the Anaconda Prompt or Navigator applications. I have come he

WSL-2 DNS is not working with VPN connection on Win 10 [closed]

I have WSL Version 2 running on my Windows 10 Laptop. I'm using the WSL distribution Ubuntu-20.04. When I connect to a VPN network domain name

Connection has been shutdown: Tag mismatch

Has anyone encountered this error before? I'm new in flutter, is there anything wrong while running the sample file of flutter that I'm missing? The stack trac