Category "kendo-grid"

How to override Kendo grid CSS

I have following grid in vue.js. I wanna to change the grid header background and text color and hide the scrollbar according to these links: https://docs.teler

Kendo Grid edit cell from button inside the cell

My problem is the following: I've added to a grid row edit buttons as templates. Now what i want to do is to allow editing of the cell text when i click the "e

Add change event to all cells in specified column of Kendo Grid

I want to add a change event to all cells in a specified column using Kendo UI. Something like: this.myGridVariable.table.on("change", "--InsertMyColumnNameHer

grid.dataItem(row) is returning undefined

Using a kendo data grid, i am adding the model value in the databound event for a column However the model is returned as undefined , here is teh code ,

Set default filter for Kendo UI Grid

I have a Kendo UI grid that is rendered with javaScript. I want the string columns to have a single option ("Contains") and without the second filter. So far so

How to change columns set of kendo grid dynamically

I am trying to change the columns collection of my Kendo grid in the below way. var grid = $("#grid").data("kendoGrid"); $http.get('/api/GetGridColumns') .