Category "webserver"

nginx err_connection_refused, can anyone help me?

got installed my old site with php, mysql and so on, an everything work fine but my site is not reachable from the outside of my LAN. Did a ton of changes and t

Browser from Windows Sandbox cannot access localhost

I'm running a webserver on my Windows machine on port 4200. If I open a browser, I can communicate with that webserver by going to localhost:4200 I'd like to c

Is there a way to update the TLS certificates in a net/http server without any downtime?

I have a simple https server serving a simple page like so (no error handling for brevity): package main import ( "crypto/tls" "fmt" "net/http" )

How to send Authorization header with browser

I have implemented a web server which uses Basic authentication(using spring security). I disabled the default authentication entry point when accessing a UR

Controlling relays through webserver with an arduino and ethernet shield but can't add more than four buttons, HTML page doesn't load

I have a software problem, I'm controlling relays through ethernet shield and arduino. I got a code from the net which works great and i can control the relays

How does webserver handle HTTP POST [closed]

This might be a very basic question. But, the question that I am trying to address is that Webserver is there to handle HTTP Requests, So it's