Category "keycloak"

Setting Nginx Header Host without breaking an existing ingress

When I add proxy_set_header Host $host; to my ingress file, it stops working. I think I need to set that as the value as I'm trying to expose SSL over Keycloak

How to add Realm name in custom email template Subject

I have created a custom Theme for Keycloak email. I know how to add the realm name in email body, but I didn't find how to add the realm name in the subject. Is

Accessing keycloak roles / users attributes from Java API

I've created a role and and a user in Keycloak and added one attribute in both of them; for example: my_role_attr = 'x' my_user_attr = 'y' Then I'm trying to

How to authenticate users from different realms against a single application?

I have the following situation: My application consists in a frontend and a backend micro service, which both authenticate themselves via the same realm on one

Keycloak: Disable redirect to account page after password reset and show message

I am using Keycloak and I want to enable Forgot password flow. I have enabled Forgot password in login and configured SMTP to send email. What I get out of the

RHPAM + KEYCLOAK/RHSSO -> Login failed: Not Authorized

So I'm integrating RHSSO (based on keycloack) with RH Business Central (RHPAM) as authoring instance and no matter what I do after it redirects from the RH-SSO

Configure Infinispan for Keycloak 17

I want to run Keycloak 17 (Quarkus Edition) in HA mode with the provided infinispan. Because we are running Keycloak on serveral stages, I want to specify a inf

how to create a new user with postman and assign group in keycloak?

I have this JSON to create a new user, which works for me, but it doesn't assign the group declared in the groups "groups":["APIs"] tab to the user json: {

"You need local access to create the initial admin user" error while keycloak startup in docker

While starting keycloak server on docker, I am getting this error: "You need local access to create the initial admin user". But running it locally, it's workin

Keycloak: how to delete and edit a Group

I already tried a bunch of different ways and none of them work. (First of all im using this, and works with other methods, like create/delete user, create grou

Cant access keycloak rest API methods *404*

I am using the latest keycloak image in docker and can access the standard admin console at http://localhost:9080. However, I cant seem to access any of the pat

403 Forbidden Error in Keycloak API (view-users)

I'm having issues trying to access auth/admin/realms/{realm-name}/users API. I've already tried everything from other questions and answers, but nothing seems t

How to configure Keycloak to work with Guacamole's OpenID plugin?

I'm trying to setup Apache Guacamole with KeyCloak as OpenID Connect Authorization Server. Guacamole is redirecting me to KeyCloak, I can Log in with my user I

How can i create user with multiple Client roles in a single API

I want to create a user and assign a client role with it in a single API in Keycloak I have attached the details. I have this API

Role based authorization using Keycloak and .NET core

Having a few minor issues with role based authorization with dotnet core 2.2.3 and Keycloak 4.5.0. In Keycloak, I've defined a role of 'tester' and a client rol

Keycloak - require email verification before creating the user

We are evaluating Keycloak to replace Forgerock for user registration Our current workflow provides a registration screen. On submitting the registration form,

Containerized Keycloak behind Nginx not working (502 Bad Gateway)

I need to serve containerized keycloak behind Nginx. Keycloak runs without any problem at 'localhost:8080' but when I try to access it through the reverse proxy

Mixed Content error because of Keycloak default login redirection

INFORMATION NEEDED: I use Keycloak (Docker version) behind a Spring project. (The client side of this project is React and communication between client and ba

How to link / export existing Keycloak user to LDAP

I'm using Keycloak and just setup some OpenLDAP. Importing from LDAP to Keycloak works fine. Even new registrations and updates to users are synced nicely. But

Keycloak: Could not find resource for full path

I am trying to get the REST API of keycloak to work. Thanks to this post I was able to get the token. But when trying the example for the list of users in the f