Category "ibm-mq"

IBM MQ Console URL

https://localhost:9443/ibmmq/console/login.html this url is not working this is my mq web status dspmqweb status MQWB1124I: Server 'mqweb' is running. URLS:

Docker : Unable to access the IBM MQ web management console

I followed the article - and deployed the container using the below commands in my windows laptop using docker fo

multiple Spring integration task executors picking up same message from JMS queue

I am using spring integration to process multiple files from a queue. Following is my configuration: <si-jms:message-driven-channel-adapter id="someReg

High CPU usage from the Spring DefaultMessageListenerContainer Thread

I have a application which uses Spring DefaultMessageListenerContainer and IBM mq as the message broker, after running application for certain time, the cpu usa

Can i use Azure Migrate tool to migrate IBM MQ from on-premise to azure cloud

We plan to migrate our on-premise MQ servers hosted in VMware servers to azure VM. Can I use the Azure Migrate tool to migrate IBM MQ from on-premise to Azure c

Azure Function IBM MQ Setup with pfx Certificate

I am having a connection problem when I am trying to set up a connection to a IBM MQ V6 QueueManager and a .net client using IBM.XMS namespace in Azure Function

IBMMQDotnetClient vs IBMXMSDotnetClient

I am working on a project, which needs to connect to IBM MQ using c#, and considering which NuGet package is the best one. However, there are 2 NuGet packages I

MQ: What happens if a message rollback FAILED?

I use IBM.XMS ( to get the message from the queue from my .NET application. Under the session, I get the message from the queue then insert into the dat

How can I connect to IBM MQ via the AMQP API in .Net Core

I am using "AMQPNetLite.Core" to connect to the IBM MQ server. However, when I try to new the connection there is an OperationCanceledException thrown. Address

How to modify spring-websocket to interface with broker via MQTT instead of STOMP?

I'm building a spring-websocket application that currently uses RabbitMQ as a message broker via the STOMP protocol. The rest of our organization mostly uses IB

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/ibm/mq/MQException

This is similar to the earlier question Exception in thread “main” java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/ibm/mq/MQException I am facing a similar iss

JMSCMQ0001: IBM MQ call failed with compcode '2' ('MQCC_FAILED') reason '2400' ('MQRC_UNSUPPORTED_CIPHER_SUITE')

I am getting the following exception while trying to make a connection with remote MQ from my Java client on my local machine: JMSCM

Use WebSphere MQ as the messaging layer for Springboot applications

I need to use WebSphere MQ as the messaging layer for my Springboot apps. Using RabbitMQ, Kafka or activeMQ is straight forward with Springboot and there are to

IBM-MQ: Configuring mutual TLS authentication between client and queue manager

I'm trying to set up TLS mutual authentication between client and IBM-MQ queue manager (using the ibmcom/mq Docker image). The certificates are self-signed and

IBM MQ Issue: JMSMQ1113 The destination does not have a name set

In a spring JMS project, I try to connect to an IBM MQ QUEUE placed in a remote server. The code can reach the IBM MQ server and recognize the MQ Manager, but w