Category "facebook-javascript-sdk"

The method FB.getLoginStatus can no longer be called from http pages

So I tried to implement Facebook Login feature in my nodejs backend server. For testing purpose, I am trying client side to check the login and get access token

Sharedialog SDK does not work on some device

We have developed a mobile application available on Android. This mobile application allows users to share advertiser videos on Youtube and earn money.

How to retrieve all posts of a user via Facebook Graph API using promises and recursion?

I am currently developing a web app which uses the Facebook Graph API. What I would like to achieve is to get all posts of a user. However, this is not that e

How do I send event_id with Facebook pixel?

I get an error from Facebook: Purchase Event Missing Some Deduplication Parameters You're sending Purchase events through both your pixel and the Conversions A

Handling Facebook response [duplicate]

I've got this code to handle Facebook response: if (response && !response.error_message) { alert('Posting

Facebook Like and Comment Code Script

I needed to get a unique url for each page and adapted a script that I found through the help of other members here. One is for the like button and the other i

Facebook SDK : logging out automatically

I need to build a page that when loaded logs out automatically the user from facebook i tried this code window.fbAsyncInit = function() { FB.init({