Category "angular6"

Angular 6 app is not working in safari browser

Angular app is working fine in IE and chrome but in safari it is not working even not showing any error and tried with polyfill and here polyfill.ts /** IE9,

How to detect browser close event or tab close event in angular 6+?

I have written @HostListener in my AppComponent Class to detect browser close or tab close. I have written this code but it is not working. Kindly help me unde

How to make google chrome go full screen in Angular 4 Application?

I am developing an application where I want to implement such a thing where if user leaves from one component & enters other component, then in other compon

Form validation error message show on submit in angular

I am trying to validate form in angular 6 but not working. My code is in stackblitz. How to validate that form and how to show error message? https://stackblitz

Set vertical scroll to a fixed height mat-table in Angular

I have set a height of 200px to the container of my mat-table. However, the table and its content does not respect the setted height. I want to add a vertical s

ng-bootstrap Change default color of radio button

I am new to ng-bootstrap. Default color of radio buttons in ng-bootsrap is blue. I need default color as yellow and on click it should be green. buttons-rad

nebular menu parent active class not working

I am using nebular with Angular 6, facing an issue while clicking on menu item , active class on parent menu item not added. but if you see the

how to pass data from angular material dialog to parent component?

I'm using angular 6 and I have a button which opens a dialog. in my dialog, I have a form that gets user's data and then I have two buttons to submit and cancel