Category "visual-studio"

VS code error "Permission Denied" when printing simple output

I am trying to set up my c++ environment in Visual Code Studio but the error here is Permission denied and I tried giving it administrator permission but it did

Score in Unity game only increases by 1 and then stops

I am trying to create a score in unity where if you collect coins (in my case shells) the score goes up by 1 each time, however, the score increases by 1 and th

Getting an invalidcastexception when trying to retrieve data

When running the get method to return a view populated with details, I get the exception saying: System.InvalidCastException: 'Unable to cast object of type 'Sy

How can I re-write this input/output files so that my input file is a comma delimited file

How can I re-write this input/output files so that my input file is a comma delimited file (input.csv)? Input file (input.csv): Smith,John,87 Doe,Jane,93 Sacram

Why do I need Visual Studio and C++ to install node modules

Recently I have upgraded my node version to 14+ from 10+ in a Vue.Js app. But It was giving me some error and asking to install Visual Studio including C++. Whe

VS profiler, source information not available

I'm trying to use visual studio performance profiler for the first time and I'm interested in a specific function of mine which is successfully detected by the

Visual Studio Decompiled Source Definitions from Object Browser

In Visual Studio 2019, there is a new feature powered by ILSpy to view decompiled source definitions(C#). It's documented here. This is a great feature and when

Live reload is not possible without a body or a head tag

My program is to store the number of entries through the entry button and save it through the save button... So, I added a JS link in my HTML body tag and then

Distinct aggregation in pre-calculated measure (MDX)

There are two measures in one fact table \ dimension. Measure 'YearTotal' should somehow be pre-calcuated as a distinct value for any futher summing (aggregatin

How to Publish dotnet webapi application that have mutiple projects to iis

[![this is my webApi project solution structure.this have multiple projects added][1]][1] how can i publish these kind of projects in visual studio 2019 [1]: ht

Something in Visual Studio is constantly changing my c++ header Item Type to track down the source?

I have a MSVS 2019 C++ project which includes Qt source files that are processed by the Qt moc. In order for my header files (and thus, class declarations) to b

Can't Install Nuget Package

I am trying to install System.Runtime.Handles so I can use SafeAccessTokenHandle and RunImpersonated, however when I try to install the package I get the error

Visual Studio, Copy files to project directory problem

I have Visual Studio community 2017. coming from eclipse it was just enough to copy file to project directory and hit refresh then files were appearing in proje

Passing spaces in arguments for Visual Studio Pro 2019

I am trying to debug a command line program inside Visual Studio. I am sharing my configuration with another machine using Box. The paths I am passing have sp

Setting up SSL certificate in Visual Studio

I have a fresh install of Visual Studio Community 2019 on a new computer. I started a web app project, ran it for the first time, and then when prompted to acce

Visual studio does not recognize newly added class

I am having a weird issue here, i am using vs 2019 and one of my projects refuses to recognize any newly added c# classes, i can not use it anywhere else in the

POST 439

i have error which kill my application - app is running, but - thus, the data in the grids are not displayed - i think error in console browserLink:2843

How to remove Visual Studio 'IDE' warnings for a Unity project?

I've been trying to get rid off IDE warnings for a Unity project: While csc.rsp works for CS warnings, it doesn't for IDE warnings: -nowarn:CS0649,IDE0063,I

Visual Studio installation failed in MAC OS X

Downloaded Visual Studio installer from first and started the download and install process. At the end of the instal

Error XAAAS7001: System.NullReferenceException

I just installed Visual Studio 2019, and I created a Xamarin.Forms project. When I tried to execute it in the android emulator, I get this error : Gravit&eacut