Category "url-rewriting"

Can a response from an http request alter the base address in the next client request?

I have an octoprint server running at I also have an nginx server hosting myDomain. I want to be able to use the nginx server to pass on

NextJS URL rewrite creates duplicate pages?

I just setup URL rewrites in NextJS to translate my URLs for my multilingual website. This is how my next.config.js file looks: module.exports = { i18n: {

How to do 1 URL re-write rule for multiple ids?

I have these URLs: I need to redirect only specific ids to non amp as

Use a Laravel Application alongside another scripts (wp/joomla/...) and remove /public

This is my directory structure: Public_html /app /bootstrap /config /database /public /resources /routes /vendor /storage /another-sctipt I

IIS URL Rewrite - Change Beginning of URL

I would like to replace with

Not able to see URL without trailing slash in NGINX

I know that this is a common issue in NGINX and there are many threads about that. Issue: When accessing the URL http://localhost/var without trailing slash is

.htaccess RewriteRule Weird Bug

# Do not remove this line or mod_rewrite rules and search engine friendly URLs will stop working Options +FollowSymLinks RewriteEngine On # Removes index.php

Understanding RewriteRule & HTACCESS

I'm building a blog with a prety easy page structure, consisting of articles.php, article.php and categories.php and I'd like to tidy up the url path for each p

Setup nginx not to crash if host in upstream is not found

We have several rails apps under common domain in Docker, and we use nginx to direct requests to specific apps. # proxies to foo app our

Rewrite url in haproxy

I have haproxy as front layer to our nodejs app and I'm looking for a way to rewrite url. For example, if customers go to, haproxy w