Category "prometheus"

Time series from Prometheus source: how to set nulls as zero?

Working in Docker Grafana 8.1.5. Using time series graph, I'm plotting a Prometheus Counter source (that has one label) as a time series (by label), and need to

Docker Prometheus not starting

just on this page described, i'am trying to start on my windows docker prom/prometheus with git-bash: docker run \ -p 9090:9090 \ -v /C:/Users/Bob/serv

Alerts firing on Prometheus but not on Alertmanager

I can't seem to find out why Alertmanager is not getting alerts from Prometheus. I would appreciate a swift assistance on this challenge. I'm fairly new with us

Calculate Max in value with prometheus

Since I am prometheus-newbie I do not know how to express the question: "What is the maximum number of messages which have been processed per second during the

How can I add a label to the cadvisor and node-exporter metrics?

My node-exporter metrics are something like: process_cpu_seconds_total{instance="",job="node_info"} process_cpu_seconds_total{instance="

Kubernetes Prometheus CrashLoopBackOff / OOMKilled Puzzle

Periodically I see the container Status: terminated - OOMKilled (exit code: 137) But it's scheduled to the node with plenty of memory $ k get statefulset -n met

How to calculate the instant rate of a gauge metric?

How can I calculate the per-second instant rate of increase of the time series in Prometheus or Grafana without using rate() or irate()? This drive function is

PromQL. How to add label value from different metric

If I have two metrics: kube_pod_container_status_restarts_total {..., pod="my_pod_name_42", ...} and container_memory_usage_bytes {..., pod_name="my_pod_nam

Correct way to update rules and configuration for a Prometheus installation on a Kubernetes cluster that was setup by prometheus-operator helm chart?

I have configured Prometheus via helm chart I need to update Prometheus rules and configur

Airflow metrics with prometheus and grafana

any one knows how to send metrics from airflow to prometheus, I'm not finding much documents about it, I tried the airflow operator metrics on Grafana but it d

Prometheus many-to-many problem for kube cronjobs

Hy there, I'm trying to configure Kubernetes Cronjobs monitoring & alerts with Prometheus. I found this helpful guide But I always get a many-to-many matc

How To Reduce Prometheus(Federation) Scrape Duration

I have a Prometheus federation with 2 prometheus' servers - one per Kubernetes cluster and a central to rule them all. Over time the scrape durations increase.

Multiple Targets on prometheus

I've configured prometheus on Centos, version details are follows. prometheus-2.5.0.linux-386 I've added two targets on the prometheus.yml configuration file

Dynamic prometheus labels in Gauge

I wonder if/how it's possible to add dynamic labels. I don't know the key or the quantity of the labels which I would like to add to my gauge values. What I tr

Sum over time of 1d, limit to last 7d, counter as a value

Let's suppose I have metric purchases_total. It's a counter ( which constantly increases ). I would like to make a table in Grafana which: Shows the last 7 day

Grafana: combining two queries from two prometheus exporters

I have two exporters for feeding data into prometheus - the node exporter and the elasticsearch exporter. I'm trying to combine sources from both exporters into

Use of Prometheus scrape_timeout

In the prometheus configuration I have a job with these specs: - job_name: name_of_my_job scrape_interval: 5m scrape_timeout: 30s metrics_path:

Calculating Mbps in Prometheus from cumulative total

I have a metric in Prometheus called unifi_devices_wireless_received_bytes_total, it represents the cumulative total amount of bytes a wireless device has recei

Prometheus - Match all metrics but one

How can I match all Prometheus metrics except some? E.g: {__name__!~"metric_to_discard"} Does not work, it returns Error executing query: parse error at char

Prometheus - Expression under annotations

I want to send an email alert (I have a custom template) that looks like this: Description = Disk is almost full: < 20% left Summary = Volume D: on 192.168.1