Category "windows"

How to convert .py to .exe and run as a background function on windows while retaining args?

I'm looking to run a python script that calls commands through subprocess depending on various arguments that are given to it. For ease of use it would be valua

File name pattern matching in Windows command line

I have several files like: a.txt a$.txt a$b.txt b.txt b$.txt b$c.txt I would like to print file whose name does not contain '$' using Windows command line fo

Create a Flutter module for desktop apps

Currently, when running the command flutter create -t module --org com.example app we are able to generate a Flutter module which we can add to a host parent ap

Ansible Windows Kerberos Authentification Bad HTTP response returned from server Code 500

After configuring winRM on a windows server and filling all needed information to connect : --- ### winrm / win connection ### ansible_winrm_realm: *My AD Dom

Write-Output -InputObject (,'Test') -NoEnumerate

I think this is a bug that only applies to PowerShell Windows 5.1: The -NoEnumerate switch doesn't work when the input is provided via the named -InputObject a

Is there a way to listen to mouse event in windows?

I want to write a script that runs a specific PowerShell command when one of my mouse's additional buttons is clicked. Example: Clicking the third mouse's butto

WSL and serial port

I am using Win10 and Linux Ubuntu on WSL 2.0. For testing purposes of some programs, I would like to use the serial port of my PC in "loopback" with Linux runni

Python 3.8.6 says I have a newer version of Python installed, but I don't

I just installed Python 3.9.0 and I found out Pygame hasn't been fully released yet in this Python version. I then tried to uninstall Python and it said it unin

CMD/BAT get date modified of all filenames and append to their filename

I am having trouble with this script. I'll explain below the codeblock. @Echo off pushd "\\server\folder" SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion @FOR /F "TOKENS=2"

How to get .vbs output in the same window of a .bat file [duplicate]

I have a batch file that does a lot of different things and within that batch file, at some step, I'm running a VBS script. The problem is, th

Docker Prometheus not starting

just on this page described, i'am trying to start on my windows docker prom/prometheus with git-bash: docker run \ -p 9090:9090 \ -v /C:/Users/Bob/serv

How to monitor for new evets in eventlog and trigger an action

I would like to know the logic or the piece of powershell code that can be used to monitor for a service shutdown event and trigger an action. So when the servi

How to launch a new WSL bash window from an existing WSL bash window

I am struggling to figure out how to launch a new "command prompt" window via a bash command in WSL. The goal is to launch a second prompt preferably already in

Stopping Vmmem from using RAM

I am using Docker to run some containers on Windows 10, and when I was done I noticed an application named vmmem was using almost all of my ram: ~12GB. Accordin

Add notification to Windows notification center without displaying it on screen

I am building an Electron app featuring a custom Notification feature where html5 divs appear and disappear as needed on a frameless, transparent, always-on-top

Multiple values single data trigger WPF

I have the following piece of code. <Button.Style> <Style BasedOn="{StaticResource {x:Static ToolBar.ButtonStyleKe

Windows: Programmatically create compatibility mode registry key for DVD or CD

I'm looking to programmatically run through an installation disc and set the compatibility mode for hundreds of exe's & msi's. But I've run into a snag. For

How to Shorten Git Bash Prompt (Windows)

How do I shorten my git bash prompt from something like this Malik@LAPTOP-7R9912OI MINGW64 ~/Desktop/test $ to something like this Malik@test$ I am using

Is there a kernel mode API that allows safe access to ntoskrnl.exe address space

I'm just playing around for fun only(on Windows 8.1) with kernel mode address space trying to see if I can access the address space belonging to ntoskrnl.exe fr

importing pyttsx3 in python3.8 and found an error

I downloaded pyttsx3 in command prompt I have a big error this the code: import pyttsx3 engine = pyttsx3.init() engine.say("I will speak this text") engine.runA