Category "twitter-bootstrap-3"

How to use different colors for each select2 option?

I'm using a select2 dropdown, and would like to set different colours on each options. Example: <select class="select2" name="fruit"> <option cl

Datatables responsive doesn't work first time

I can't seem to make my datatable responsive work. I've tried multiple solutions from using cdn's, changing table width, adding table responsive, changing the l

Bootstrap: "Cannot read property 'offsetWidth' of undefined" error with carousel

I'm using multiple in carousels Bootstrap: <div id="carousel-586" class="carousel slide carousel-block" data-ride="carousel"> <ol class="carousel-

Ckeditor is not working in a modal dialog

I am trying to use ckeditor inline with knockoutjs in a modal dialog. But it is not working. Ckeditor all buttons are diasbled. It is not working only chrome br

Jquery - Automatically add current year months to dropdown

I am trying to automatically add the current months of the year, for the current year to a Bootstrap dropdown list. Currently, I am adding them manually as I a

Mobile Safari: why is window.scrollTo(0, 0) not scrolling to (0, 0)?

I've built a small single-page web app using Bootstrap 3, Sammy.js and Knockout 3. I'm finding that when the page is scrolled down, I'm unable to get window.scr

How can I move a label to the left of a checkbox in Bootstrap 3?

Is there anyway to get the text of a checkbox to be on the left side of the checkbox? I have tried and tried but cant get it working. I'm using <div cla

Bootstrap Modal Backdrop Remaining

I am showing a Bootstrap modal window for loading when performing AJAX calls. I broadcast a "progress.init" event when the loading modal should show and a "prog

Using more than one bootstrap-datepicker in one page

On my website i need to set 'from-date' and 'to-date'.For this I have 2 text boxes. I used 2 bootstrap date-pickers for the same.Date-pickers are actually worki

Bootstrap Modal Backdrop Remaining

I am showing a Bootstrap modal window for loading when performing AJAX calls. I broadcast a "progress.init" event when the loading modal should show and a "prog

Bootstrap 3 buttons vertically align no space

How can you align buttons in Bootstrap 3 vertically with no space like this (button 1) (button 2) (button 3)

Bootstrap 3 dropdown menu changing background on submenu focus

I have changed the background colors of my Bootstrap menu, but the background color of the main dropdown item in the list is changing when the submenu (the menu

Bootstrap dropdown not working on include header php

I have two pages home.php and header.php now the header file has the the top navigation bar that is to be included in the home.php page.I used a bootstrap drop

data-offset in Bootstrap Scrollspy is not offseting at all

Any value I set to data-offset for scrollspy does not work at all. Here are the relevant html, css, and js code: HTML <nav class="navbar navbar-fixed-top

How to change btn color in Bootstrap

Is there a way to change all .btn properties in Bootstrap? I have tried below ones, but still sometimes it shows the default blue color (say after clicking and

Bootstrap 3 - How to move/offset "Brand" text/logo to the right (and offset the text at the end to the left)

Okay, I started exploring Bootstrap and in that process, constructed the basic navbar that is at the top of the page. But when I follow the demo code that boots

Laravel no logout option from menu after successfull login

Hope anyone else had the same issue and was able to solve this problem. I installed a fresh Laravel project and used php artisan make:auth to get the basic auth

How to fully fit an image inside carousel(Bootstrap)

I have made a fully functional carousel but the problem is that on the right side of carousel white block is appearing. I want to ged rid of that. Please help.

How do I make list group item active without anchor tags?

I want to style a basic list-group item active to highlight it (change background color etc). Bootstrap supports the active class just through Linked items. I

Bootstrap 3 offset on right not left

In regards to BS 3 if I wanted just a narrow column of content on the right I might use an offset class of 9 and a column of 3. However, what if I wanted the r