Category "tf.keras"

Adding Dropout Layers to Segmentation_Models Resnet34 with Keras

I want to use the Segmentation_Models UNet (with ResNet34 Backbone) for uncertainty estimation, so i want to add some Dropout Layers into the upsampling part. T

How to skip problematic hyperparameter combinations when tuning models using Keras Tuner?

When using Keras Tuner, there doesn't seem to be a way to allow the skipping of a problematic combination of hyperparams. For example, the number of filters in

Error: import tensorflow.keras.backend as K could not be resolved Pylance(reportMissingImports)

I'm using tensorflow 1.15.0 in docker container and have issue in importing keras sub-modules. from tensorflow import keras import tensorflow.keras.backend as

Can I feed intermediate result back into the CNN and get my final result? (update)

I am new to machine learning. I got the intermediate result of layer 31 of my CNN using the following code: conv2d = Model(inputs = self.model_ori.input, output

Is there a way to convert a list of dict back to

I used tfds.load to load Cityscapes dataset. The object is enumerable and returns a dict for each enumeration. I added another value to each dic

How to do atrous convolution in tensorflow 2 (tf.keras)

I am trying to convert some code from tensorflow 1.x to tensorflow 2.x. It's been going well so far, but I'm stuck on atrous convolution. Unlike other layers, t

Keras - no good way to stop and resume training?

After a lot of research, it seems like there is no good way to properly stop and resume training using a Tensorflow 2 / Keras model. This is true whether you ar iterator returning Tensor("IteratorGetNext:1", shape=(None, 16), dtype=int32) but cannot get the values of the Tensors

I am trying to write a Custom Model in which I am writing a custom train_step function I am creating a '` from a Custom Datagenerator like tds =

validation and train metrics very low values (images and masks generator)

I have images(X_train) and masks data (y_train). I want to train a unet network. I am currently using iou metric and the validation iou is very low and constant

Reload Keras-Tuner Trials from the directory

I'm trying to reload or access the Keras-Tuner Trials after the Tuner's search has completed for inspecting the results. I'm not able to find any documentation

How to overcome "TypeError: Exception encountered when calling layer "tf.keras.backend.rnn" (type TFOpLambda)"?

I'm trying to re-implement the text summarization tutorial here. The tutorial employs the Attention Layer proposed for Keras on GitHub (which does not come with