Category "drop-down-menu"

Cards as items in the DropdownMenuItem

I would like to know if it is possible to have card widgets as the items in a dropdownmenu button in flutter. I have tried, but I haven't managed to make the ca

How to add animate icon menu dropdown open / closed

I built a dropdown menu with fade animation with the help of stackoverflow users. Everything works beautifully. But now I would like to add an icon to the butto

bootstrap 5 dropdown-menu navbar streches strangly when hover on dropdown-ul-items

My bootstrap dropdown Navbar menu acts strangely on small screens. As shown n the images below, hovering above dropdown menus pushes the other UL section below

Flutter: There should be exactly one item with [DropdownButton]'s value

I am trying to create a dropdown button in Flutter. I am getting a List from my database then I pass the list to my dropdownButton everything works the data is

Add "all" option to select filter component in bootstrap-table in embedded javascript

I have a data-table where we're using Bootstrap 4 and bootstrap-table. I've added the bootstrap-table plugin Filter Control so that I may have some options for

Material UI Menu not closing after clicking a menu item

This is code straight from MUI menu - customized menu.. I didn't want to put my code because there are some built in functions that make it more confusing. In

How to make Tree Select Box with DropdownButton in flutter

I want to make a Select box with DropDownButton in Flutter. but I can not make a perfect algorithm for it. I hope to receive great help from Flutter experts. Th

add data to a range from a dropdown in google sheets

I have a real estate office that uses google sheets to show address, buyer name, realtor name, and seller name. For the realtor name column I created a dropdown

Force Bootstrap dropdown menu to always display at the bottom and allow it go offscreen

When there is no room at the bottom of the viewport to fit dropdown menu, it is displayed at the top of its dropdown button. Is it possible alter this behavior

Force Bootstrap dropdown menu to always display at the bottom and allow it go offscreen

When there is no room at the bottom of the viewport to fit dropdown menu, it is displayed at the top of its dropdown button. Is it possible alter this behavior

Extract the values in a drop-down field

I would like to extract the values in a drop-down field with the title "email address". I would like the name selected to appear in the email "To" line. I'm add

How to use multi-column option box within select element

we all know Drop-down list can have mutli menus in drop down like this I was trying to do the same using select element #otp2{ margin-top:-100px; }

Multiple select dropdown in laravel

Here is my code in the view, I want to display a dropdown that contains the selected data in an edit view. {{Form::select('Select_targets[]', $_targets,Input::

I want to change the TextStyle of the items appear in DropdownSearch which comes under dropdown_search package in flutter

Transform.scale( scale: 0.91, child: DropdownSearch( validator: (v) => v == null ? "required field" : null, hint: "Select a country", dropdownSearchDecoratio

Select option from dropdown menu with PHP and mySql

I tried to create a simple select dropdown menu from MySQL database. However, it does not work on my code. Here is my code: <?php

Align dash core components horizontally

I want to align two Dropdown menus and a DatePickerRange horizontally. But with the following code: import dash import dash_core_components as dcc import dash_h

Excel drop down values from a SQL Server source

I am trying to get a cell drop-down values in Excel from a SQL Server. I don't want to use the method of putting all the data to another sheet and the use data

Adjusting position of CSS drop down menu

I am trying to modify a CSS Tab w/dropdown menu to add another level of menu (don't ask why). I got it working, but I want the second drop down menu (the one wi

Bootstrap dropdown not working on include header php

I have two pages home.php and header.php now the header file has the the top navigation bar that is to be included in the home.php page.I used a bootstrap drop

Dynamic drop down list with AJAX and database

I'm hoping someone could guide me in the right direction. What I'm trying to do is create two drop down lists where the second one (cities) depends on the first