Category "text"

Moving the cursor through long soft-wrapped lines in Vim

I'm sorry if my question isn't very clear. I'm not sure how to phrase it. I'd like to use VIM to write papers for some classes I'm in. The problem I'm havi

How to get coordinate of text from line paragraph pdf itext5

How to get coordinate of left of line text paragraph pdf. I mean like pic (x,y). Coordinate per line. I use itext5 and java

SwiftUI Word Wrap for multiline text Word Hyphenation Problem

I'm facing the following problem with SwiftUI Text: In the following example SwiftUI breaks the word "Amazement" into "amazeme" on the first line and "nt" on th

Is it possible to capitalize first letter of text/string in react native? How to do it?

I have to capitalize first letter of text that i want to display. I searched for it but i cant found clear thing to do that, also there is no such props for tex

Javascript change color of text and background to input value

I'm going to use javascript to make a function for changing color of background, as well as text simultaneously - based on the value of a text input. I've got t

How to write a text + emojis on an background image with node js

This is a very unspecific question, but I couldn't find any reasonable help in the internet to complete this project on my on, so I thought here may be somebody

Error message "error: stray '\302' in program"

I'm using Code::Blocks on Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat). I have connected a Mac keyboard and set the keyboard settings to "Swiss German Mac". Now wheneve

JavaScript Scale Text to Fit in Fixed Div

In JavaScript/jQuery, how can I scale a varying-length line of text inside a fixed-width Div so that the one line always fits inside the Div (as one line)?

How to copy text to clipboard in react-native?

I would like to integrate a small text (my e-mail address) but I would like the user can to copy this text. I think of a button, when we click on it the e-mail

Set color of TextView span in Android

Is it possible to set the color of just span of text in a TextView? I would like to do something similar to the Twitter app, in which a part of the text is blu

QML creating Text element takes long time

I noticed that creating Text element in QML takes long time. For an example: import QtQuick 2.5 import QtQuick.Window 2.2 Window { visible: true wid

QML creating Text element takes long time

I noticed that creating Text element in QML takes long time. For an example: import QtQuick 2.5 import QtQuick.Window 2.2 Window { visible: true wid

QML creating Text element takes long time

I noticed that creating Text element in QML takes long time. For an example: import QtQuick 2.5 import QtQuick.Window 2.2 Window { visible: true wid

QML creating Text element takes long time

I noticed that creating Text element in QML takes long time. For an example: import QtQuick 2.5 import QtQuick.Window 2.2 Window { visible: true wid