'Flutter - Wrap text on overflow, like insert ellipsis or fade

I'm trying to create a line in which center text has a maximum size, and if the text content is too large, it fits in size.

I insert the TextOverflow.ellipsis property to shorten the text and inserting the triple points ... but it is not working.


import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

void main() {
runApp(new MyApp());

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return new MaterialApp(
      home: new HomePage(),

class HomePage extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) => new Scaffold(
    appBar: new AppBar(
      backgroundColor: new Color(0xFF26C6DA),
    body: new ListView  (
      children: <Widget>[
        new Card(
          child: new Container(
            padding: new EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 16.0, vertical: 18.0),
            child: new Row(
              children: <Widget>[
                new Container(
                  padding: new EdgeInsets.only(right: 24.0),
                  child: new CircleAvatar(
                    backgroundColor: new Color(0xFFF5F5F5),
                    radius: 16.0,
                new Container(
                  padding: new EdgeInsets.only(right: 13.0),
                  child: new Text(
                    'Text lar...',
                    overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis,
                    style: new TextStyle(
                      fontSize: 13.0,
                      fontFamily: 'Roboto',
                      color: new Color(0xFF212121),
                      fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,
                new Container(
                  child: new Column(
                    crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.end,
                    children: <Widget>[
                      new Row(
                        children: <Widget>[
                          new Text(
                            'Bill  ',
                            style: new TextStyle(
                              fontSize: 12.0,
                              fontFamily: 'Roboto',
                              color: new Color(0xFF9E9E9E)
                          new Text(
                            '\$ -999.999.999,95',
                            style: new TextStyle(
                              fontSize: 14.0,
                              fontFamily: 'Roboto',
                              color: new Color(0xFF212121)
                      new Row(
                        children: <Widget>[
                          new Text(
                            'Limit  ',
                            style: new TextStyle(
                              fontSize: 12.0,
                              fontFamily: 'Roboto',
                              color: new Color(0xFF9E9E9E)
                          new Text(
                            'R\$ 900.000.000,95',
                            style: new TextStyle(
                              fontSize: 14.0,
                              fontFamily: 'Roboto',
                              color: new Color(0xFF9E9E9E)


enter image description here


enter image description here

Solution 1:[1]

You should wrap your Container in a Flexible to let your Row know that it's ok for the Container to be narrower than its intrinsic width. Expanded will also work.


  child: new Container(
    padding: new EdgeInsets.only(right: 13.0),
    child: new Text(
      'Text largeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee',
      overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis,
      style: new TextStyle(
        fontSize: 13.0,
        fontFamily: 'Roboto',
        color: new Color(0xFF212121),
        fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,

Solution 2:[2]

Using Ellipsis

  "This is a long text",
  overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis,

enter image description here

Using Fade

  "This is a long text",
  overflow: TextOverflow.fade,
  maxLines: 1,
  softWrap: false,

enter image description here

Using Clip

  "This is a long text",
  overflow: TextOverflow.clip,
  maxLines: 1,
  softWrap: false,

enter image description here


If you are using Text inside a Row, you can put above Text inside Expanded like:

  child: AboveText(),

Solution 3:[3]

First, wrap your Row or Column in Expanded widget


    'your long text here',
    overflow: TextOverflow.fade,
    maxLines: 1,
    softWrap: false,
    style: Theme.of(context).textTheme.body1,

Solution 4:[4]

You can use this code snipped to show text with ellipsis

    "Introduction to Very very very long text",
    maxLines: 1,
    overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis,
    softWrap: false,
    style: TextStyle(color: Colors.black, fontWeight: FontWeight.bold),

Solution 5:[5]

1. clip

Clip the overflowing text to fit its container.

          width: 120.0,
          child: Text(
            "Enter Long Text",
            maxLines: 1,
            overflow: TextOverflow.clip,
            softWrap: false,
            style: TextStyle(color: Colors.black, fontWeight: FontWeight.bold, fontSize: 20.0),


enter image description here


Fade the overflowing text to transparent.

          width: 120.0,
          child: Text(
            "Enter Long Text",
            maxLines: 1,
            overflow: TextOverflow.fade,
            softWrap: false,
            style: TextStyle(color: Colors.black, fontWeight: FontWeight.bold, fontSize: 20.0),


enter image description here


Use an ellipsis to indicate that the text has overflowed.

          width: 120.0,
          child: Text(
            "Enter Long Text",
            maxLines: 1,
            overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis,
            softWrap: false,
            style: TextStyle(color: Colors.black, fontWeight: FontWeight.bold, fontSize: 20.0),


enter image description here


Render overflowing text outside of its container.

          width: 120.0,
          child: Text(
            "Enter Long Text",
            maxLines: 1,
            overflow: TextOverflow.visible,
            softWrap: false,
            style: TextStyle(color: Colors.black, fontWeight: FontWeight.bold, fontSize: 20.0),


enter image description here

Please Blog: https://medium.com/flutterworld/flutter-text-wrapping-ellipsis-4fa70b19d316

Solution 6:[6]

You can do it like that

   child: Text(
   overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis,
   maxLines: 1

Solution 7:[7]

    width: 200.0,
    child: Text('PRODUCERS CAVITY FIGHTER 50X140g',
                overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis,
                style: Theme.of(context).textTheme.body2))

Just wrap in inside a widget that can take a specific width for it to work or it will assume the width of the parent container.

Solution 8:[8]

One way to fix an overflow of a Text Widget within a row if for example a chat message can be one really long line. You can create a Container and a BoxConstraint with a maxWidth in it.

              constraints: BoxConstraints(maxWidth: 200),
                child: Text(
                  (chatName == null) ? " ": chatName,
                  style: TextStyle(
                      fontWeight: FontWeight.w400,
                      color: Colors.black87,
                      fontSize: 17.0),

Solution 9:[9]

Wrapping whose child elements are in a row or column, please wrap your column or row is new Flexible();


Solution 10:[10]

You can do that by First wrapping your Column inside Flexible or Expanded and then use Text as usual and it will get wrapped up automatically.

  child: Row(
    children: [
        child: Column(
          children: [
            Text("This text is so long and long and long and long and long and that's why it is not wrapping to next line.")

Wrapped Text Screenshot

Solution 11:[11]

                        width: width-100,
                        child: Text(
                          "YOUR LONG TEXT HERE...",
                          maxLines: 3,
                          overflow: TextOverflow.clip,
                          softWrap: true,
                          style: TextStyle(

Solution 12:[12]

Depending on your situation, I think this is the best approach below.

final maxWidth = MediaQuery.of(context).size.width * 0.4;
        textAlign: TextAlign.center,
        child: Text('This is long text',
        constraints: BoxConstraints(maxWidth: maxWidth),

Solution 13:[13]

Use an ellipsis to indicate that the text has overflowed.

              width: 120.0,
              child: Text(
                "Enter Long Text",
                maxLines: 1,
                overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis,
                softWrap: false,
                style: TextStyle(color: Colors.black, fontWeight: FontWeight.bold, fontSize: 20.0),

Solution 14:[14]

If you simply place text as a child(ren) of a column, this is the easiest way to have text automatically wrap. Assuming you don't have anything more complicated going on. In those cases, I would think you would create your container sized as you see fit and put another column inside and then your text. This seems to work nicely. Containers want to shrink to the size of its contents, and this seems to naturally conflict with wrapping, which requires more effort.

  mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,
  children: <Widget>[
    Text('This long text will wrap very nicely if there isn\'t room beyond the column\'s total width and if you have enough vertical space available to wrap into.',
      style: TextStyle(fontSize: 16, color: primaryColor),
      textAlign: TextAlign.center,),

Solution 15:[15]

Wrap the Container with Expanded()

Expanded (child: Container(
                  padding: new EdgeInsets.only(right: 24.0),
                  child: new CircleAvatar(
                    backgroundColor: new Color(0xFFF5F5F5),
                    radius: 16.0,
                new Container(
                  padding: new EdgeInsets.only(right: 13.0),
                  child: new Text(
                    'Text lar...',
                    overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis,
                    style: new TextStyle(
                      fontSize: 13.0,
                      fontFamily: 'Roboto',
                      color: new Color(0xFF212121),
                      fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,

Solution 16:[16]

enter image description here In Column We make text ellipsis by wraping column with flexibale widget,

            height: SizeConfig.blockSizeVertical * 20,
            width: SizeConfig.blockSizeHorizontal * 88,
            child: Flexible(
              child: Column(
                crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
                children: [
                      height: 50,
                      width: 50,
                      circularRadius: 30,
                      circularImage: imageUrl[index]),
                    width: SizeConfig.blockSizeHorizontal * 3,
                  const Text(
                    fontSize: 12,
                    fontWeight: FontWeight.normal,
                        'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetur adipiscing elit.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetur adipiscing elit.',
                    fontStyle: FontStyle.normal,
                    textColor: AppColors.blackTextColor,
                    overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis,
                    fontFamily: "Poppins",
                    maxLine: 3,
                    textAlign: TextAlign.start,

Solution 17:[17]

I think the parent Container needs to be given a maxWidth of the proper size. It looks like the Text box will fill whatever space it is given above.

Solution 18:[18]

enter image description here In Row We make text ellipsis to go second line by wraping firstly Text with Container and than wrap container with flexible widget


            height: SizeConfig.blockSizeVertical * 10,
            width: SizeConfig.blockSizeHorizontal * 88,

            child: Row(
              children: [
                PicClipper(height: 50, width:50, circularRadius: 30, circularImage:imageUrl[index]),
                  SizeConfig.blockSizeHorizontal * 3,
                  child: Container(
                    child: const
                      fontSize: 12,
                      fontWeight: FontWeight.normal,
                      'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetur adipiscing elit.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetur adipiscing elit.',
                      fontStyle: FontStyle.normal,
                      textColor: AppColors.blackTextColor,
                      textOverflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis,
                      fontFamily: "Poppins",
                      maxLine: 3,
                      textAlign: TextAlign.start,


Solution 19:[19]

There is a very simple class TextOneLine from package assorted_layout_widgets.

Just put your text in that class.

For example:

    crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.center,
    children: <Widget>[
        width: 23,
        height: 23,
        fit: BoxFit.fill,
      SizedBox(width: 16),
        child: Column(
          crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
          children: [
              style: findTextStyle(widget.firstTextStyle),
              textAlign: TextAlign.left,
            SizedBox(height: 4),
              style: findTextStyle(widget.secondTextStyle),
              textAlign: TextAlign.left,
        color: Styles.iOSArrowRight,