Category "text"

Flutter how to create responsive Text widget?

I'm facing a problem with responsive texts. In my app are different text font sizes and I need to do them responsive for different screen sizes (only phones and

My text box engine won't delete the text after progressing to the next text, or it won't keep the clone if it manages to delete the previous text

For the first one, I use broadcast (skip) and wait block under the hide and my whole text box engine. For the second one, I use broadcast (skip) under the hide

Reduce size of text in slack message

Is there a way to reduce the size of the text in slack messages just the way we have ways to make the text bold/italics?

Python/Pygame make text in Pygame wrap when in leaves the window

I have a text function that render text.The function is the following def textFunc(font,msg,color,x,y,center): text_render = font.render(msg,True,color)

R: Correct Way to Calculate Cosine Similarity?

I am working with the R programming language. I have the following data: text = structure(list(id = 1:8, reviews = c("I guess the employee decided to buy their

Left and right quotation mark render as unexpected character in Safari

I have a simple piece of text like so: <h1 class="intro-text" id="main-title">&lsquo;AN ABRAM&rsquo;</h1> This should render the f

How do I center text vertically and horizontally in Flutter?

I'd like to know how to center the contents of a Text widget vertically and horizontally in Flutter. I only know how to center the widget itself using Center(ch

Convert NetCDF file to CSV or text using Python

I'm trying to convert a netCDF file to either a CSV or text file using Python. I have read this post but I am still missing a step (I'm new to Python). It's a d

Anyway to read and write .png file and link .txt file named the same as .png file?

Its made in Windows Forms at the most, in a button public Photo(string filename) { bitmap = new Bitmap(filename); /*shows the pictu

Getting Label's Text From Static Method

I'm trying to take label1.Text how can i do it from static method (Windows Form) public static IntPtr hookProc(int code, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam) {

Parsing input copied from a Windows UI on Windows newline characters

I am trying to parse the following input, copied from a UI if that matters, on Windows newline characters (appears to be \r\n) in Python 3.8. "sample_key" : {

How to fit text to a precise width on html canvas?

How can I fit a single-line string of text to a precise width on an html5 canvas? What I've tried so far is to write text at an initial font size, measure the t

Can someone give me a really simple example for changing the color of text?

I have searched the Internet for a very simple example, but all of them were too complex and I couldn't understand them. Here is my code, but my linter said th

Placing Commas Between Names

I am trying to find out if certain patterns appear within a data frame. Suppose I have the following "dictionary of patterns" (notice "james" vs "jamesj"): patt

Media Query for text-align: center

I'm having some issues with a media query. I'm trying to center text for mobile devices only. I've added the following to my CSS, but it doesn't seem to be doin

Flutter - Wrap text on overflow, like insert ellipsis or fade

I'm trying to create a line in which center text has a maximum size, and if the text content is too large, it fits in size. I insert the TextOverflow.ellipsis

Convert raw Ipython Notebook txt to Ipynb

I have a textfile containing the source code for an Ipython Notebook. How can I convert this file using Ipython / Python to an Ipython Notebook? e.g. : sourc

Text input - text appears at the middle?

So it's very simple but I can't find the answer. The text on my text field appears at the middle and I want it to appear at the top left corner like it normally

MySQL Full Text Period

I have a table of product names, and full text works great up until using a period, e.g. searching for a 3.7 battery.. i try select .. where match(name) agains

Is there any texteditor that I can also insert images in the middle of texts in Flutter?

I would like to make a blog app by flutter in which people will write posts with text and picture. I learned how to make the form that image and text are separa