Category "telerik"

How to clear rad listbox items from client side

I have a radlistbox i want clear the radlistbox items. i had tried this code but not working as expected.Can someone give me a idea how can i do this. Thanks.

"Select all" in Kendo MultiSelect (MVC)

I have a Kendo Grid with some custom editors, one is a multiselect. I have a cshtml file for the editor that looks like so: @model IEnumerable<ManageSitesInT

Export to Excel for telerik radgrid

I want to export current date along with radgrid data to the excel sheet. How can I do this? For exporting radgrid I am using following code: public void Expo

telerik radGrid - persist client state on sort/paging/filter

Even in this ajax example which I really like the look of, when ever the top level grid is sorted the "state" of what you were doing "disappears" For example,