Category "dotenv"

NestJs: Unable to read env variables in module files but able in service files?

I have an .env file at the root of my NestJs project with some env variables in it. The strange thing is that I am able to read the variables in service files

NestJs: Unable to read env variables in module files but able in service files?

I have an .env file at the root of my NestJs project with some env variables in it. The strange thing is that I am able to read the variables in service files

Sequelize Migrate Not Recognising Dotenv

I am able to run migrate command when I specify the database name, user and password directly. But when I provide with env variable/value. It says no database s

How to create a build for multiple environments in Nuxt?

I am building a Nuxt application where I will have two environments staging and production, the local should also be considered as staging, now I need to create

Firebase functions dotenv variable undefined

I'm running an update of a Firebase functions project. Environment variables was managed with runtime environment configuration (functions.config). Regarding th

kotlin dotenv doesn't take directory configuration

Trying to use kotlin-dotnet, but this is not working, using kotlin object class, to manage singleton Got error Could not find /asset/env on the classpath where

MongoError: bad auth Authentication failed

const uri=`mongodb+srv://${process.env.DB_USER}:${process.env.DB_PASS}`; When I run