Category "base"

Ho to convert base 10 floating point input to base 2 in MIPS?

I have been tasked with writing a program in MIPS that converts a user-inputted base 10 floating point number to base 2. I am a relatively inexperienced program

error: type ‘class’ is not a direct base of ‘class’

I haven't been able to find an answer that relates specifically to my question. It's a bit of a "strange" case in terms of what I've seen. So I have a class C

Is there a C function to convert a string with a number in base X to a string in base Y?

I am aware that strtol(hexstring, NULL, 16) will convert my string hexstring, which is hexadecimal, to a decimal. Likewise this would be the case in binary in s

Print character array as hex in C

I have a 2D array called char **str (allocated by malloc). Lets say str[0] has the string "hello". How would I print that hex? I tried printf("%d\n", (unsigned

Comparison of byte literals in Python

The following question arose because I was trying to use bytes strings as dictionary keys and bytes values that I understood to be equal weren't being treated a