Category "swift"

NSOpenPanel, NSSavePanel runModal dismisses immediately with cancel, but only on M1 running 11.4

I have one user who reports that the Open and Save panels have been "auto dismissing". ie the Open Panel dialog appears then immediately dismisses itself, takin

Error installing OpenSSL-Apple Cocoapod. Build fails

I am trying to install OpenSSL-Apple Cocoapod as a dependency on a project but the build fails like so [!] /bin/bash -c set -e ./ --version="1.1.

ARCHS[@]: unbound variable in Xcode 12

Our iOS project is built successfully in Xcode 11. However, on Xcode 12, it shows an error like this: PhaseScriptExecution [CP]\ Embed\ Pods\ Frameworks /Users/

SwiftUI - NavigationView title and back button clipped under status bar after orientation change

Whenever I rotate the device to landscape and back again, the top of the NavigationView (including the title and back button) get clipped under the status bar.

Core Haptics not playing in iOS 15 with certain AVAudioSession configurations

I'm using Core Haptics to play a custom "heart beat" pattern, while simultaneously playing music using AVAudioPlayer. Specifically, I'm creating a simple CHHapt

When exactly is drawInMTKView called?

MetalKit calls drawInMTKView when it wants a your delegate to draw a new frame, but I wonder if it waits for the last drawable to have been presented before it

cocoa touch framework missing symbol called

I have a framework that depends on a couple of pods such as IQKeyboardManagerSwift, It used to work fine when I generate framework file and integrate it in a pr

MapBox Maps iOS SDK: Is there a way to animate PointAnnotation when it's being selected

I migrated from old Mapbox Maps SDKs for iOS and macOS v6.x.x to mapbox-maps-ios v10.1.0. A lot of API got changed. I was able to restore same functionality usi

SwiftUI function that returns either Text or Button?

I have a simple function to return either Text or Button, but I get the following error: Function declares an opaque return type, but the return statements in

Firebase Cloud Messaging with Apple push notifications stopped working when I changed my app Bundle ID

I have an App that I had to change the Bundle-ID for. Once I did this Push Notifications stopped working. I replaced the app on Firebase with one with the new B

SwiftUI Create Picker with possibility to add elements

I'm trying to build a swift app with categories, I created a Picker for my categories but I would like to be able to create a Category inside the Picker itself.

Dismissing WebView with custom navigation bar

I have this code: ForEach(news){ item in NavigationLink { WebView(url: URL(string: item.url)!) .navi

How to know when SwiftUI keyboard search button tapped in .searchable search window

I am using the .searchable modifier in SwiftUI. Is there anyway to know when the user presses the search key on the keyboard? I know how to do this by using a

UITapGestureRecognizer on UIDatePicker not working in iOS 15

I have a row for a user to select a date, and I'm using the UIDatePicker to do this. When a user taps on it, I want it to change some text on the row as well as

SwiftUI/Combine: subscribe to value change of @Binding

I have a view with a view model, and actions in this view can change the view model. To be able to break out logic into reusable pieces, I have part of the view

I can't present a segue to another VC from a UIView class

I have a UIView class which i set it up as a pop-up that user needs to write a price and press a button to pay that amount, The problem is I can't set up the bu

Correct way to draw/edit a CVPixelBuffer in Swift in iOS

Is there a standard performant way to edit/draw on a CVImageBuffer/CVPixelBuffer in swift? All the video editing demos I've found online overlay the drawing (re

Click on a MapAnnotation to expand view - SwiftUI

I have a MapAnnotation in SwiftUI. On user interaction with a annotation, can I display another piece of information, i.e., change the label or show additional

How to use Transfer Learning for Text classification in Apples Create ML?

I was watching, where Transfer Learning is used for text classification in Create ML. I wanted to do the s

Incomplete file/copyright headers in Swift Package with Xcode 12 / 13

Is there any way to automatically add package/target name and copyright + company name to the header when creating new files while developing a swift package wi