Category "string"

How to convert a float64 variable into a string?

I try to convert my float64 variable into str with : data['Abo_str'] = data['Abo'].isnull().astype(str) But the result is False. How can I do it ? Thx

write all words from string containing substring C++

I need to print all words from the text file which includes substring, how can I add to the code? The code which I have is printed below #include <iostream&g

Printing strings and characters as hexadecimal in Go

Why cyrillic strings in hexadecimal format differ from cyrillic chars in hexadecimal format? str := "Э" fmt.Printf("%x\n", str) //result d0ad str :

How to get part of string from regex in Java

For example, I have string with range of earnings: 5 000-10 000 USD and i want to extract from that string minimum and maximum value. I prepared regexes, for e

Datetime + String from a Pandas table into a new table. One line of code

I'm a beginner at python. I'm moving specific cells/scalars from one Dataframe to another. I'm trying to work out why my first block of code didn't work but my

12 hour to 24 hour time conversion

I am trying to write this c++ program from hackerrank but in my output all I am getting is a blank space. The input string is in the form of HH:MM:SSpp where

How to split a string in to list where the number of string in the list is defined?

So if I have a string: s = "this is just a sample string" I want to obtain a list of 3 characters each: l = ["thi", "s i", "s j", "ust", " a ", ...]

Split string of possibly adjacent elements of unknown length by type in JS

Given a string (actually a svg path) such as: "M72 0v754h405v-86h-311v-211h302v-86h-302v-285h311v-86h-405z" I want to obtain an array where each element is eit

Average test score from result array with varying group sizes

I am working on a problem where I have to calculate the average from a bunch of test results with the following criteria. -his program was tested on several tes

How to transform the word Gr\u008Egoire to it's normal form in Javascript?

Hope you are doing well! I have a list of french names with accents, but I receive them encoded like "Gr\u008Egoire", but I want to display the real word. Thank

how can I edit lots of swift string at once?

In my project, I have Localizable.string file which is having more than 10,000 lines keyValue format. I need to convert all of keys which are dotCase format lik

Print 1st word of each sentence in text using python

How to ignore text inside (). In below example I have to ignore printing directions) & Over right). Example: Text = "A paragraph is a self-contained unit of

words amalgamation

I am new user learning python. I have query if it can be done or not. If user input a word suppose "Dance" and characters are "$" and "@", he would get a all po

In Azure Pipelines how to post a dynamic, multi-line comment generated in a previous step using GitHubComment task?

In an Azure Pipeline, the following will post a multi-line comment to a GitHub PR: stages: - stage: MyStage jobs: - job: CommentOnPR steps:

How to Determine the K^th character in the concatenated string

Given a list that contains N strings of lowercase English alphabets. Any number of contiguous strings can be found together to form a new string. The grouping f

Reverse string without affecting special character

I'm trying to reverse a string without affecting special characters, but it is not working. Here is my code: def reverse_each_word(str_smpl): str_smpl = "S

Dart / Flutter - Validating a string for URL

I'm trying to create a system in which I can validate a string to check if it's a url or not. ( I found the flutter package validator b

How to remove '\u{ef}' character from String Swift

let's say I have a string var a = "#bb #cccc #ddddd\u{ef}" and i am setting it to textview like this let text = a.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNe

Reversing a string on C language

In this program, the user is allowed to enter words of up to 20 letters, which are stored in another array and printed from the end. But there is error on my co

Assign sequence of symbols into a variable/string in Python

this sequence of symbols is required as a password in an app: 9h/#13/'!O!Nr},w_T0 6!ws%N\c^i,4" How can store this to a variable/string?