Category "flutter-getx"

Paginated Data Table not filtering properly

I've created a Paginated Datatable in flutter and using GetX Obx(() => PaginatedDataTable( source:, columns: getColumns

flutter passing multiple data with getx

I want to Pass multiple data from one screen to another screen with Get package., arguments: ["First data", "Second data"]);

error in implementing search feature in Listview builder

I'm trying to implement search functionality in the list view builder But I don't have an idea to implement it. this is model class class Contacts { String? i

GetX flutter state is not being updated

I am new to flutter. I just started using GetX flutter package. I am working on a ToDo list app. I am having trouble updating the widget state. What I have done - How to remove all previous routes - Flutter GetX

I have a simple Flutter app and I want to remove all previous routes but I want to do with GetX, How to do that? Now it works with Navigator.of(context).pushNam

Flutter and getx: update() does not notify GetBuilder

I have a very strange issue for my current project using Flutter and getx package. Short: the Notifier is not working. On initState from a GetBuilder I try to u

Flutter error catch e.message not working

void createUser(String email, String password) async { try { await _auth .createUserWithEmailAndPassword(email: email, password: password)

Flutter-Firestore: - Code to retrieve data from firestore then save/use it

I am very new to Dart, and coding in general. I have produced this code after watching tutorials on YouTube. For the most part, I have been able to troubleshoot

Flutter web performance with getx

I'm using getx state management for flutter. I read a few articles (, that explain that we shouldn't use methods for widgets because

Flutter web performance with getx

I'm using getx state management for flutter. I read a few articles (, that explain that we shouldn't use methods for widgets because

How to increase the width of getx default dialog in flutter

I am new to flutter and I am using Getx package for state management and route management. I have tried many ways to give get default dialog full-screen width b

Flutter: How to listen to variable change on GetX

I want to change body of the widget depending on if the pressedBool is false or true. Here is GetxController I wrote. import 'package:get/state_manager.dart

SharedPreferences in Flutter not persisting?

I'm trying to implement a "Remember Me" functionality by using SharedPreferences. Unfortunately, no matter what I do, it doesn't seem like the login details are

Obx ListView not updating after value changes

I am having a RxList called todoData. On the basis of this list, a ListView.builder builds a list and in each list there is a button. When this button is clicke

obx does not responsive GetX

I am using GetX. I need when the user delete the image from ui, the card delete. But nothing deleted from UI. if i pressed hot restart it deleted from the UI. T

Flutter with Sqflite + Getx data update issues

I am currently using GetX and Sqflite within Flutter and encountering the issue of data update after insert. Firstly, there is a LoadingScreen which checks if t