Category "phpspreadsheet"

Excel / PHPSpreadSheet : LOAD and SAVE WITH Charts, unexpected argument

I'm trying to load my excel file through PHPSpreadSheet library including the charts. At the reader step, everything is working fine and I could without difficu

PHPSpreadsheet - How Do I Use Auto Migration Tool

I'm a long time reader, but new to asking questions. Please correct me if I have somehow asked incorrectly. Intro We are upgrading our servers from PHP 5.4 to

How to embed a pdf file in an excel worksheet using phpspreadsheet?

How to embed a pdf file in an excel worksheet using phpspreadsheet? $file= 'kl.pdf'; $objDrawing = new PHPExcel_Worksheet_Drawing();

PhpSpreadSheet: How to save Workbook sheets in individual CSV files

I'm using PhpSpreadSheet and I need to save the sheets contained in a workbook as individual CSV files. I've tried to use $reader->setLoadAllSheets(); but

Footer works on xlsx exporting but not in Mpdf with Phpspreadsheet

Hi everyone and thanks in advance for your help. I'm trying to set Footer to a pdf Phpsrpreadsheet generated file but, although it works when I export it in xls

PhpSpreadSheet Class ZipArchive not found Error

I've just downloaded PhpSpreadsheet package via composer and I tried to generate an Excel spreadsheet. But all I get is an error "Class ZipArchive not found ".