Category "sdp"

Is it possible to convert a WebRTC SDP offer to answer?

I have two peers that want to connect to each other via WebRTC. Typically the first peer would create an offer and send it to the second via a signalling channe

How to enable H264 on Android webRTC

How to enable H264 on Android WebRTC.PeerConnection to createOffer there was no h264 description in SDP.

WebRTC Peerconnection: Which IP flow of candidates set is used?

I am currently working on a monitoring tool for webrtc sessions investigating into the transferred SDP from caller to callee and vice versa. Unfortunately I can

How to check that SDP service record was registered correctly in C++/Linux

I am trying to register my bluetooth SDP service in C++ linux as shown here: Example 4-9. Describing a service Where or how can I check exactly that the servic