Category "nft"

Is it possible to set the banner image on OpenSea through contract metadata?

I know it is possible to set the smaller collection image using the contract metadata, but is there a way to set the larger banner image? https://docs.opensea.i

How can I implement a lazy-minting smart contract that doesn't actually mint NFTs?

This is my first experience writing a smart contract, so I am still trying to navigate how this all works. I have a smart contract on the Rinkeby test network t

ERC1155 Sell/Buy NFT Solidity

My contract for ERC1155 marketplace to mint buy and sell the NFT. The nft is getting minted , However the NFT is not showing in market place and not able to pur

NFT List Prices

OpenSea allows users to buy and sell NFTs. From OpenSea, you can view the prices of listed NFTs within a project. When an NFT is listed, is the listed price sto

unable to upload nfts using metaplex

while am uploading Nft asset to Solana network and have this error : Beginning the upload for 22 (img+json) pairs started at: 1646166389888 initializing candy

How to connect solana wallet in android?

I want to make nft marketplace with solana in android. There are many examples connecting solana wallet(ex. solflare, phantom ...) in web client. But i don't kn

trying to run an generate art configuration in metaplex and it keeps returning this. I have tried changing up just about everything

desktop % ts-node ./metaplex/js/packages/cli/src/candy-machine-v2-cli.ts generate_art_configuration traits /usr/local/lib/node_modules/ts-node/src/index.ts:820

Phantom wallet: Solana transactions debug

I need to know which instuctions list is used for a transaction in order to use it in my application. For example: There is an unknown NFT marketplace, I can bu

Phantom wallet: Solana transactions debug

I need to know which instuctions list is used for a transaction in order to use it in my application. For example: There is an unknown NFT marketplace, I can bu

Metaplex sign command metadata parameter

After creating an NFT via candy machine v2 I'm trying to execute a sign command (link to the docs) This is the command from the documentation: ts-node ~/metaple

Why do sender and minter should be same on minting NFT?

I am developing NFT marketplace with terra and I use CW721. And I noticed on mint function if the sender and minter is not equal it returns "Unauthorized" error

How to transfer a NFT from one account to another using ERC721?

I'm writing an NFT smart contract using the OpenZeppelin ERC721Full contract. I'm able to mint NFTs, but I want to have a button that enables them to be bought.

Why do openSea fetching data from IPFS all of a sudden?

This the validation json I got for my nft toke 34 HTTP 200 OK Allow: GET, OPTIONS Content-Type: application/json Vary: Accept { "valid": true, "token_u

create two nft collections from one smart contract (erc1155) in OpenSea

I want to list two collections on Opensea but instead of creating two smart contracts for that, I want to create only one (to save gas fees of uploading a contr

Why my ERC721 contract in Opensea can't work normally (Without any code of openzeppelin github)

I want to know how OpenSea system read contract and call functions. So, I try to write a ERC721 contract without import any other code. // SPDX-License-Identifi

Problem authenticating via the OpenSea JDK

I am trying to authenticate my wallet against OpenSea using the SDK, but fail doing so. Here's my code snippet: const walletSubprovider = new MnemonicWalletSubp

CATCH ERROR: NOK: Transaction not found with hash: With codeSTACKr's NFT art generator

I am trying to create a NFT Collection. But I am facing issues. I am using When I run npm run get_contra

How can I get a list of NFTs that I have minted?

I am building Social Media for NFT. I would like to get a list of NFTs minted in the past by a particular user in Ethereum and Polygon Chain. It does not have t

Elrond mandos test elrond_wasm_debug::mandos_rs pass however erdpy contract test fail

I'm writing test cases for my NFT smart contract (SC). When I check the state of the SC after creating my NFT I'm expecting to see a variable (next_index_to_min

Testing NFT contract on polygon

I am following the steps of the tutorial in the OpenSea tutorial below: It looks like this i