Category "byte-buddy"

ByteBuddy Agent to print method elapsed time

I'm trying to measure the time for certains method of some specific classes. I'm using ByteBuddy and I created the following interceptor class: public class Ti

Java code static analysis to find whether the code contains a HTTP call?

I am working on a very complex java web project with about hundreds of developers and intend to improve the performance of this monolitic. What I am trying to d

How to use AsmVisitorWrapper to visit an array inside an annotation and merge its content with another array

(repository with an example of what I'm trying to do is here) It's my first time using ByteBuddy and I've found myself struggling to merge the contents of two @

mock-maker-inline - Could not initialize inline Byte Buddy mock maker (power-mockito + jdk 8 + bytebuddy)

I am using Powermockito to mock and spy static classes. Version: 2.0.4 Also using mockito-core version 3.0.0. In, one of my projects, i am able to mockStatic b