Category "flowtype"

What does the "percentage sign" mean in the Vue.js source code

I am reading Vue.js's source code(here) on github and stumbled upon something both I don't know and can't find an answer. A related part from the source: expo

How do I specify the types for the content (values) of a JS object (i.e. map)?

I want to specify that a Javascript Object, used as a map, contains only a certain type. For example: function doSomethingWithUrlQueryParams(queryObj: Obje

How do I specify the types for the content (values) of a JS object (i.e. map)?

I want to specify that a Javascript Object, used as a map, contains only a certain type. For example: function doSomethingWithUrlQueryParams(queryObj: Obje

Webpack alias is not recognized by flow

I'm having some trouble with webpack aliases and having it play nicely with flow. I have the alias: alias: { vue$: 'vue/dist/vue.esm.js', pu

Flow-type WebStorm how to show type hints on mouse hover over object variables

In flow-type, on mouse hover over variable of any type object we do not see type hints: However, WebStorm does see the type is: Searched well and played with

Converting Flow to TS - 'Component cannot be used as a JSX component' when imported from installed library

I have recently started to convert an older React 15 with Flow types codebase to an up-to-date CRA with TS. I used the flow-to-ts script to convert all the file