Category "prometheus-operator"

Kubernetes Prometheus CrashLoopBackOff / OOMKilled Puzzle

Periodically I see the container Status: terminated - OOMKilled (exit code: 137) But it's scheduled to the node with plenty of memory $ k get statefulset -n met

Correct way to update rules and configuration for a Prometheus installation on a Kubernetes cluster that was setup by prometheus-operator helm chart?

I have configured Prometheus via helm chart I need to update Prometheus rules and configur

ServiceMonitor not found in

I am using kubeadm to deploy single node kubernetes 1.11 cluster. I am unable to find servicemonitor resources. ➜ kube-prometheus git:(master) ✗

ServiceMonitor not found in

I am using kubeadm to deploy single node kubernetes 1.11 cluster. I am unable to find servicemonitor resources. ➜ kube-prometheus git:(master) ✗

Prometheus query to return Top 5 results

I am running a diskspace used query in Prometheus and would like to return only the top 5 or 10 entries from the search result. Is there anyway I can achieve th

Nginx ingress controller not giving metrics for prometheus

I am trying to deploy an nginx ingress controller which can be monitored using prometheus however I am running into an issue that it seems no metrics pod(s) is