Category "scatter"

How to switch direction of axis in 3D scatterplot plotly?

I plotted the following using plotly and got the resulting plot shown before. X is the # of hours in a day, Y is a proportion between 0-1, and Z is a categorica

How to show the labels of each scatter point in a basemap?

This is my code: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8), dpi=300) m = Basemap(width=20000,height=15000,resolution='c',projection='lcc',lon_0=-0.09,lat_0=51.49) m.dr

How can I add text labels to a Plotly scatter plot in Python?

I'm trying to add text labels next to the data points in a Plotly scatter plot in Python but I get an error. How can I do that? Here is my dataframe: worl

Legend on MATLAB plot where every point is scattered individually

I am trying to get a legend on a scatter plot in Matlab, the problem is the way I plot the graph involves scattering each point (of which there are >10,000)