Category "reverse"

How to use .slice().reverse() in *ngFor with | keyvalue?

I often use .slice().reverse() in *ngFor to display elements in reverse order. But now I have a problem, because I also use | keyvalue. How to use .slice().reve

Reversing a string on C language

In this program, the user is allowed to enter words of up to 20 letters, which are stored in another array and printed from the end. But there is error on my co

Reverse each word with uppercase without changing word

How do I reverse each uppercase and lowercase ("I am A Great human") to ("I ma A Taerg namuh")? This is the code I Have: function wordsReverse(str) { let wo

Reverse String characters in java

Am trying to reverse a string using a method in java, I can fetch all the elements of the string and print them out in order via a loop, my problem is reversing

Broken pipe error when proxying long file upload request

Recently and overnight, Apache's error logs from a couple of nodejs servers have been filling with this: [proxy:error] [pid xxx] (32)Broken pipe: [client xxx.x

Why can't you RSeq an RSeq?

user=> (rseq [:a :b]) (:b :a) user=> (rseq (rseq [:a :b])) ClassCastException clojure.lang.APersistentVector$RSeq cannot be cast to clojure.lang.Reversi

reversing an integer in java without a loop

This is an homework problem Is there a way tor reverse a number in Java without using any loops? The only solution I can think of is reversing it using String

Is there a way to reverse a LinearProgressBar in flutter? [closed]

So I want a LinearProgressBar that goes from right to left. So basically in reverse. Is there a line of code I need to add? Couldn't find anyt

What is the most pythonic way to have inverse enumerate of a list?

The first thing that comes to mind is: >>> l = list('abcdef') >>> for i in range(len(l)-1, -1, -1): ... item = l[i] ... print(i, item) ...

Reversing an array using a stack

I am attempting to reverse an array using a stack. However, I get an error on arr[i] =;, and the suggestion to resolve it in Eclipse is to change it

How to use regular expressions do reverse search?

For example: My string is: 123456789 nn nn oo nn nn mlm nn203. My target is: nn. Then, I match string from the end to the beginning and return the first ma