Category "onclicklistener"

How can I stop OnClickListener in the middle of execution?

I need to exit out of an OnClickListner event in the middle of its execution but, can't find a command to do so. Tried using break but that can only be used on

Click listener for drawableleft in EditText in Android?

Is it possible to add a OnClickListener to on a drawable that is declared in designer as drawableleft android:drawableLeft="@drawable/ic_password" Or is ther

Making textinputlayout uneditable and setting click event on it

I want to make textinputlayout uneditable by user and when user click on it i want to perform an action. I added android:focusable="false" inside edittext of te

Kotlin: return a value on button click

I'm just starting out on learning Kotlin, and I'm currently making a simple Quiz application for Android. The user can choose an answer with four buttons which