Category "love2d"

Love2d "bad argument #2 to 'draw' (Quad expected, got nil)"

I am currently trying to make a flappy bird copy and I am having trouble when attempting to spawn in pipes (when a pipe should spawn I get the following error:

Fix warp in recaster (lua)

function RENDER_RAY(plr,rayNumber,Ray_Distance,RayAmount,rayAngle) local theta = plr.angle - FOV/2 local diss = Ray_Distance * math.cos(math.rad(theta -

Error Trying to Draw Platforms in Lua/Love2D

New to Lua/Game dev in general here. I'm trying to write a code to draw the background of my game. I have four different spritesheets for things related to sett

Error while trying to open 'Love2d' game engine

I'm trying to open a game with Love2D and the following error occurs: Error boot.lua:577: Cannot load game at path '/home/panali/Desktop/

Calling a lua function at random time intervals in love2d

So basically I want to call a function in lua at random time intervals in love2d. Iam clueless of how to do this so any help is appreciated.

I'm getting an error: "attempt to compare nil with number" in Lua with LOVE2d

I'm trying to make my first game with lua & love, it's a simple button clicker game that counts how many times you click a randomly appearing button. I'm tr

Background colour in LÖVE

I've set up a config file and I just got started writing a program to set up the title screen for a text-based RPG/simulation game. The background colour doesn'