Category "rstudio"

RStudio fatal error when loading tabulizer

I recently updated R to version 4.2.0 on my Windows 10 PC. When I try to load the package tabulizer, RStudio crashes and the bomb icon with the correspondent "R

Install R packages through "Jobs" tab in Rstudio

In Rstudio, I usually install R packages using the console by install.packages('pkg-name') command. However, when some R packages are required in an R script, R

Rstudio sometimes freezes a few seconds after opening or entering RMD files

Rstudio intermittently freezes a few seconds after opening an RMD file, or (in cases where the RMD file was loaded on startup), after making it the active thing

R and Rstudio on Apple silicon

has anyone got some info about future roadmap for R and Rstudio in order to support new ARM architecture? I know that probably we should rely on rosetta2 but I'

RStudio install packages from Azure DevOps

I'm creating some internal packages with R in RStudio. My repositories are hosted in Azure DevOps. I saw the renv.lock and there is a section for repositories.

Keras installation failed with Rstudio RcppTOML had non-zero exit status

I am struggling to install keras on my Rstudio version 2021.09.2 Build 382 (R version 3.6.0 (2019-04-26)) on Linux Centos 7. I am having this error message: ERR

How to set up conda-installed R for use with RStudio?

I've been trying to set up my R using conda (eventually to use with Beaker Notebook) and I want to be able to use RStudio with my conda-installed version of R

Cannot highlight text in R script

I am facing a rather weird issue, I am unable to highlight code in one of my R script. Highlighting works with the keyboard but not with the mouse and only for

RStudioServer - load/upgrade preferred set of packages to default sys path (/opt/R/4.2.0/lib/R/library) from R shell

Though an 'old guy' in unix world, I've little experience with RStudioServer and R, acting here as an 'admin' for a shared server for statisticians on a cancer

How do I change the directory displayed in the RStudio file pane / navigator using code?

I am writing an R package for a lab notebook. One function makes a new directoy with some Rmd files, opens the files with file.edit, and changes the current wor

Making neural network training reproducible using RStudio's Keras interface

I'm trying to make neural network training reproducible using RStudio's Keras interface. Setting a seed in the R script (set.seed(42)) doesn't seem to work. Is

Keyboard shortcut for code chunk in R Markdown for windows gives í

Using RStudio for windows. Help says keyboard shortcut for inserting code chunk is Ctrl + Alt + i, which should give me: ```{r} ``` Instead, I get í

Git tab missing in RStudio after git installed on Windows

Installed R, R Studio, Git but when I opened R Studio, there was no Git tab, like the screenshot below: Windows 8.1, x64 R version: 3.5.1 R Studio version: 1.

R Session Aborted and R encountered a fatal error

I have been using Rstudio for a while and there was no problem until I was trying to install rJava and xlsx package in R. I had updated both my RGui and Rstudio

`rgl` crashes R 4.2.0 in RStudio

The new release of R version 4.2.0 will crash when loading the rgl package if in RStudio. What can I do about it?

Rstudio does not recognize MacTeX MacOSx 10.7.5, can't preview pdf

I have created an .md file, but to preview it in pdf format Rstudio requires MacTeX installation. I've installed it, read README file, everything is there, the

Saving an R-Script results in empty file

I have recently started using R for uni. I want to save my code using either save as or ctrl+s. However, the saved file is empty more often than not. For some r

Rstudio: Changing origin for git version control of project

I originally set up git in Rstudio while enrolled in the Data Scientist's Toolbox course at Coursera. Unfortunately, I did this in my phd project. The repositor

Unable to get plots displayed in Rstudio graphical viewer.

When I run my code all my graphs (both ggplot2 and plot) are displayed in an external "Quartz 2 [*]" graphical viewer. I would like them to be displayed in th

Unable to get plots displayed in Rstudio graphical viewer.

When I run my code all my graphs (both ggplot2 and plot) are displayed in an external "Quartz 2 [*]" graphical viewer. I would like them to be displayed in th