Category "azure-machine-learning-service"

Horovod Timeline and MPI Tracing in Azure Machine Learning Workspace(MPI Configuration)

All, I am trying to train a distributed model using Horovod on Azure Machine Learning Service as shown below. estimator = TensorFlow(source_directory=script_fo

How to deploy a ML model as a local iot edge module

I have a machine learning model registered in the model registry of my Azure Machine Learning workspace. Now I want to containerize such model inside a Linux do

AzureML webservice deployment with custom Environment - /var/runit does not exist

I'm struggling to deploy a model with a custom environment through the azureml SDK. I have built a docker image locally and pushed it to azure container registr

Azure Machine Learning pipeline: How to retry upon failure?

So I've got an Azure Machine Learning pipeline here that consists of a number of PythonScriptStep tasks - pretty basic really. Some of these script steps fail i

Delete and recreate the registry for an azure machine learning workspace

Our azure machine learning workspace container registry has grown extremely large (4Tb) and has many obsolete entries. I would like to delete the registry and s

How to avoid error "conda --version: conda not found" in az ml run --submit-script command?

I would like to run a test script on an existing compute instance of Azure using the Azure Machine Learning extension to the Azure CLI: az ml run submit-script