Category "google-cloud-run"

gunicorn.errors.HaltServer while deploying to google cloud run for a python application

Here is my dockerfile. I am trying to deploy this image to google cloud run using below two command 1. gcloud builds submit --tag

User Authentication for Identity Platform + API Gateway

I have a Cloud Run service fronted by API Gateway. I would like to restrict access to some of the endpoints using JWTs. The only examples Google provides are th

Why Google Cloud Run gettings massive container restart / new instance creation?

I've been using Google Cloud Run for a year now and the issue with cloud run containers restarts / new container start is from the beginning. I've hosted Node +

How to create Revision URL using gcloud run?

I recently noticed a beta feature in the Google Cloud Run web UI that allows you to create a Revision URL (tag). Super handy feature! My question: how can I cre

Is there a way to test a fully-managed Cloud Run revision before sending traffic to it?

I use Google's Cloud Run (fully managed) to run an app that I'm building. When I deploy a new revision, I'd like to be able to verify that various health check

Consume Cloud Run environment variables inside Nextjs app

I've recently built a Nextjs app, which I am hosting on Google Cloud Run. My app makes some requests to external APIs from the getStaticProps() method. I would

Django subdomain rewrite using uwsgi on Google Cloud Run

I am moving a Django site to GCP and using Google Cloud Run for the first time. The experience is great. I was also very pleased with the domain mapping feature

PG bouncer running on vm instance stops connecting to cloud sql

The issue: I'm not sure how to begin problem solving this or where to look for errors. Setup: Running a node.js backend via GCR and it's hitting a postgres db o

How to deploy container using docker-compose to google cloud?

i'm quite new to GCP and been using mostly AWS. I am currently trying to play around with GCP and want to deploy a container using docker-compose. I set up a

"Cloud Run error: Container failed to start. Failed to start and then listen on the port defined by the PORT environment variable."

I'm trying to build a container image that I will later use to update the code inside of a virtual machine. The docker image works fine as I can build and run i

Container failed to start. Failed to start and then listen on the port defined by the PORT environment variable

I built my container image, but when I try to deploy it from the gcloud command line or the Cloud Console, I get the following error: "Container failed to start

Google Cloud Run and golang goroutines

I'm considering Google Cloud Run for some cron-like operations I need to perform. They will get triggered by an HTTP invocation. The invocation will return (lik