Category "rows"

Deleting multiple rows under same App Name but with different number of reviews

I have a dataframe having many columns, 2 of them being 'App' and 'Reviews'. I discovered that for the same app there are multiple rows because they differ in t

Python challenge - rows and columns count

I'm working on a challenge which basically consist on assigning to a set of rows and columns on a table, a value by a function in python. In this case the chara

How can I merge an empty data frame and a data frame in R

I'm trying to merge to data frames like this: data1 <- data.frame(hola = as.numeric(), toma = as.character()) data2 <- data.frame(hola = as.numeric(1), t

How to get the rowindex by searching text from datagridview on vbnet

I am stuck on a simple thing. My app has a datagridview with 3 columns. One columnshave the name "Sites" and I have added the rows to it as in: sites1, site2, e

More than 1 row in <Input type="textarea" />

I'm having troubles getting my <input type="textarea" /> to have more than 1 row, I tried adding the properties in the html, like you would do with a nor