Category "mobile-safari"

Position of image <input> open dialog on Safari iOS

I need to trigger browser image selection from photo library/camera in response to user clicking a custom element (hiding the default <input>). Using the

Angular 6 app is not working in safari browser

Angular app is working fine in IE and chrome but in safari it is not working even not showing any error and tried with polyfill and here polyfill.ts /** IE9,

Disable pinch / zoom in IOS Safari while being in fullscreen

I have a webgl game working fine on iPad Safari I can disable system pinch / zoom actions with usual solutions (like this one: disable viewport zooming iOS 10+

Stop safari from sharing canonical url

I recently noticed that the safari share sheet sends the canonical url when a user uses it to share a webpage. Is there a way to overwrite that behaviour via h

Open installed PWA from external url

Is there any method to open website (PWA) urls in the installed PWA in iOS- Safari? Use case: I'm sending email links to login in my PWA, how can I make this

How to fix viewport in place when virtual keyboard opens in mobile Safari?

Goal On mobile Safari, when the virtual keyboard is open, the screen should render like this image: where: The navbar and the input are fixed in place The list

How To Authenticate an AirPlay Session

I am serving HLS video with AWS CloudFront. The content is secured with Signed Cookies. I would like users to be able to use Apple AirPlay to watch the video

colors change on safari

I have a button and styles for it, let's say this color is #e67410 for main-btn::before(border-top: 14px solid #e67410;), but in the safari browser this color t

What web component features are not supported by Safari desktop and Safari iOS?

Most references as below mention that Safari partially supports web components. In detail, what web component features are not supported by Safari desktop and S

Mobile Safari: why is window.scrollTo(0, 0) not scrolling to (0, 0)?

I've built a small single-page web app using Bootstrap 3, Sammy.js and Knockout 3. I'm finding that when the page is scrolled down, I'm unable to get window.scr

Mobile Safari Not Showing My Video Texture

I have a question similar to this one, but in my case, it's iOS causing troubles (not macOS, which I haven't tried yet), so I hope it's OK to post this as well.