Category "ros2"

How do I resolve Problem building "LS2N_PX4_ROS2" package in ROS2?

I found this package: I am trying to build it, I followed every step as mentioned

Why can't I use ament_cpplint with cpplint plugins for various IDEs?

I am working with C++ code with ROS2. ROS2 has code style standards and one of the recommended linters is ament_cpplint, which is slightly different from cpplin

PDDL, Plansys2 Error: decrease does not name a known token

I was working with ROS2 Planning System (Plansys2) for PDDL planning with the default planner POPF. While planning the domain with PDDL fluents, the PDDL parser

ROS2: how to create an Int8MultiArray

This is a ROS2 beginner question I've tried to use several ROS sources which suggested me to include "std_msgs/Int8MultiArray.h". However, if I do that I will g