Category "react-native-maps"

react native maps - showsMyLocationButton not working on IOS using MapKit

If I use enter the provider prop in MapView component as provider="google"..then my OIS app happily uses google maps and the showsMyLocationButton works (i.e. a

react native map is not updating custom style directly

I have created a custom map style using react native maps but sometimes it shows a default map for 1-2 seconds then a new style will update. Is there any way we

How to zoom in/out in react-native-map?

I am using react-native to build a map application. The api I am using is from this link: Below is the co

How to get current location using react-native-maps

Im trying to render a map at the current user geolocation on android device, using react-native maps. Here is what i've got so far: import React, { Component

Add search bar to react-native-maps when using expo

I would like to add a search bar to my maps screen and then use google to find the location associated with the input text and move the map there. This is what

Output multiple diverse elements with react-native-snap-carousel?

I am trying to build a Carousel using react-native-snap-carousel found here: However, the examples that

React-Native-Maps not showing on Android Emulator or real device

I added react-native-maps in my project and it doesn't showup I am not able to figure out what I'm doing wrong Things I have tried: Test the example app availab