Category "puppeteer"

Download PDF file form embed tag using Puppeteer

I am trying to download a pdf from a Website. The website is made with the framework ZK, and it reveals a dynamic URL to the PDF for a window of time when an id

Select input by label text in Puppeteer/Playwright

Given the following markup: <label for="name">Name</label> <input type="text" id="name" /> I want to fill the input value in a Playwright tes

Puppeteer - custom fonts not loading in pdf but do appear in screenshots

I am trying create PDF files dynamically using the puppeteer lib but the pdf that is generated doesn't use the custom fonts (.woff) instead uses default system

Puppeteer/Playwright is it possible to set the browser visible when launching as headless

Is it possible to launch Playwright with headless set to true and then later while the browser is still running change headless to false? I could not find anyth


const puppeteer = require('puppeteer-extra'); const chalk = require('chalk');; const StealthPlugin = require('puppeteer-extra-plugin-stealth'); const modules =

How to get text from xPath in Puppeteer node js

I need to get a text from the span tag and to verify whether the text equals to "check". How can I achieve this in puppeteer? Below is the example of the code

Puppeteer / Playwright Heroku buildpack size restrictions

I've a Puppeteer application running on Heroku. The buildpacks I'm using are:

How do i save the authentication with puppeteer?

I need to talk to a telegram bot, with my web app. So i decided to do a web scrapping, i do not know if its the best strategy. When i try to access the telegram

Puppeteer - Opening Discord Profile Popup

I am building a web application for a project and I would like to send a message in a discord server via Puppeteer without using the Discord.js library. I have

Puppeteer bet365 - certain matches not available

I am trying to scrape some table tennis betting odds using puppeteer. However, I am dealing with a problem trying to load Setka Cup table tennis matches. This c

How to solve Failed to connect to the bus error on running puppeteer with docker

We are running puppeteer with docker and whenever it get a new request to run the script we are getting the following error: Failed to connect to the bus: Faile

How to scrape an image src using puppeteer in NodeJS?

I'm trying to scrape the source of the first image with a specific class. On the page, there are multiple images with different additional classes but they shar

Puppeteer - Facing Issue to scroll in-page content on linkedin sales navigator

I am trying to scrape details of a few companies and their leads from the Linkedin Sales Navigator. The problem I am facing is that, the code only scrapes top 2

Puppeteer - Facing Issue to scroll in-page content on linkedin sales navigator

I am trying to scrape details of a few companies and their leads from the Linkedin Sales Navigator. The problem I am facing is that, the code only scrapes top 2

Google Maps data scraping using Puppeteer JS NODE JS error issue

I am trying to scrape data from Google Maps. I have written a Puppeteer JS code and run it with NODE JS. I am receiving this error. Recieved an error, attemptin

Cannot query clipboard when running puppeteer in headless mode

The code below works when puppeteer runs with { headless: false } but fails when it's true. The error is DataError: No valid data on clipboard.. Why is this hap

puppeteer page.evaluate() returns empty object

I am trying to scrape this web using Puppeteer. I tried Puppeteer page.evaluate querySelectorAll return em

Puppeteer Scrolling And Clicking Selectiors with Same Class names

I'm quiet new to Puppeteer and NodeJs, so im trying to scrape a certain website where there are multiple posts that has this List element on clicking on it the

Puppeteer - How to use inside page.evaluate()

I am scraping a table and each row has a button to show a modal with information. I need to scraping the information from the modal for each row but I dont know

Why isn't Puppeteer waiting (maybe Browserless?)

Goal: I have a page that I need to get html from after first clicking something on the page. Issue: The html that comes back is not waiting for that element cli