Category "sitecore"

Sitecore Forms - Custom control with dropdown of input controls

I've been tasked with creating a custom label control for Sitecore Forms. I've built the control, and it is working fine. One of the requirements is to allow

How can I override Sitecore’s Media Handler to force user to redirect to login page if user is not authenticated

I need a way to prevent access to files in media items if a user is not authenticated. If a user is not authenticated he/she should be forced to redirect to the

Sitecore 9.3 Experience Analytics - tracking logged users and users roles

Can anyone provide me with working example how to show analytics (Visits, Page views, Page views per visit, etc) for logged users? As I understand there is no O

How to find out with which Sitecore site an item is associated?

We have a multi-site solution (Site 1 and Site 2), and I need to be able to determine if an item for which we're getting the URL (in the LinkProvider, which is