Category "osgi"

Dynamic Bundle loading OSGI

I am new to OSGi so please help me out here. **I have 2 independent modules A and B for addition and multiplication respectively. Now in clientmodule i.e., i wa

Using AEM sling rewriter to replace one string in html with another

I am new to using Sling rewriter however I would like to replace all instances of one string with another string (this is a simplified version of my use case bu

dependency injection with OSGI

I have built an application with the dependency framework Guice. Now I will move over to OSGI and started to extend my jars with bundle information. The main p

In OSGi, how do you gracefully handle initialisation exceptions?

I am using Maven-SCR. By using the @Component and @Service tags, I can have my class instance register the interfaces it provides automatically. On occasion, h

Upgrade log4j to log4j2 in OSGi environment (Eclipse plugin)

I have an OSGi application (Eclipse plugin) that contains several bundles. I have a com.domain.dependencies bundle that, as the name suggests, contains dependen

The class folder is not associated to any output library entry

My Eclipse plugin project which holds libraries used by other OSGi plugins gives me the following warning: The class folder 'lib/' is not associated to any