Category "postcss"

How to configure react-app-rewired to add a postcss plugin

How can I customize react-app-rewired config in CRA v5 to add a postcss plugin, for example this one? I checked react-app-rewired documentation and github issue

Is it possible to add multiple media queries at Tailwindcss plugin?

Here is my Tailwindcss version 3.0.24. I want to create a prefix css class like this: <div class="myTestVariant:text-red-600">hello world</div> and

Vite does not build tailwind based on config

I created a new react-ts app using yarn create @vitejs/app my-app --template react-ts. I installed tailwind using yarn add --dev tailwindcss@latest postcss@late

PostCSS error: [object Object] is not a PostCSS plugin

The error is coming from the postcss plugin, I think I may have written it incorrectly. I'm trying to add cssnano and autoprefixer to the postcss plugin. gul

Using autoprefixer in sass watch mode (NPM)

I want to compile SCSS files and use autoprefixer. npm run build compiles the SCSS file to CSS file. Then I can use this finished CSS file for autoprefixer. But

Use postcss-normalize with Svelte

I didn't manage to import postcss-normalize to Svelte using official starting boileprlate and svelte-preprocess. My rollup config: … plugins: [ svelte(

Why aren't the Tailwind classes taking effect in my Vite React project?

I have a Vite React project that uses Tailwind via PostCSS. However, none of the classes are reflecting the the localhost. Below are the files in the project: p

How to support inline comments in PostCSS?

Webpack/PostCSS is unable to process .pcss files which have inline comments: Module build failed: Syntax Error (77:5) Unknown word > 77 | // }

Vite and PostCSS issue, Invalid left-hand side in assignment

Everything was working fine, next day I'm getting an error Invalid left-hand side in assignment, the Chrome console tap was showing the error Invalid left-hand