Category "ef-core-6.0"

EF Core one-one relationships

I need to configure following one-one relationship with ef-core public class Player { public long Id { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; }

.NET Core 6/EF Core 6.referencing Microsoft.Data.SqlClient, Version=2.0.20168.4

We've created a Web API using .NET Core 6 and EF Core 6. In development environment all works good but when I do the publish application fails with an error Sy

Ef Core filtering included query using uow and repository

I started creating a role-based security system in my WinForm application so I began with Form navigation (Permission Navigation) and this is my entity's public

Why does "dotnet ef migrations add" start my application?

I've created a new project using .NET 6 and EF Core 6 but when I try to create a migration using dotnet ef migrations add, the CLI begins running the applicatio